7th One Pager Summer Reading Assessment

Explain three choices you made on your one-pager which show your comprehension of the book or what you learned from the book.

I made the city-line black because it represents the darkness that’s inside of ember.

I made the middle of the page a light bulb because it symbolizes the war of light versus dark.

I put the theme if you don’t succeed try try again because its one of the main themes in the book.

Explain how you used color on your one-pager.

 I used the color black a lot because the city of ember is a dark city, if the lights go out, its pitch black, so I used the color black to represent that.

I used different colors to differentiate the quotes from the recommendations from the take-aways ETC.

Explain two pieces of textual evidence and why you choose that text for your one-pager.

I put “the trouble with anger…” because Doons character evolves from an angry 12-year-old to a leader at the end of the book.

I put “Lina loved her little sister…” because it shows that she can’t leave her sister, she even went so far as to bring her on the trip to ensure her safety.

Which learning goal did you do your best work on? Which one do you find challenging?

I followed directions pretty easily because there was a list of things I had to do, so I made it a checklist and I checked them off one by one as I did them.

I had trouble managing my time because I took too long breaks, and I spread the work out to 3 days so I had trouble remembering what I have done.

3 thoughts on “7th One Pager Summer Reading Assessment

  1. Ari, I really enjoyed reading the explanations of your “one-pager”, not only the one pager is super cool but now I understand it better!, great job!

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