Newspaper Shoe Challenge

Today’s Challenge: Using only newspaper, 24 inches of tape, and one scissors, you and your partner need to create one shoe that fits either you or your partner’s foot. The shoe must be able to come on and off without falling apart.


Teamwork Rubric Focus (Communication):


My goal for communication today is to have patience with my teammates, and to listen to their idea’s.  


My Individual Plan

My Individual Plan: My individual plan is to put either my foot or my partners foot on the newspaper, and then mark the exact measurement on the newspaper, then cut the newspaper on the pencil mark, and then use the extra newspaper to be put around both the persons foot, and the bottom newspaper, but make it just a little loose so when the person takes his/foot out of the newspaper shoe without the newspaper shoe breaking.

Why I think my plan will be successful: I think that it will be successful because the newspaper around the shoe, will have extra padding at the bottom of the shoe, me or my partner take out of the 


Our Group’s Plan 

Our groups plan is to make our is to use the biggest person sized foot, and measure their foot and mark the foot size on the newspaper then cut it out on the pencil mark, and then use the extra newspaper to make it like a slide.

We chose this plan because there is a very high chance that it will stay together because we made it a little extra loose so when the person that takes their foot out of the slide, it will still stay together. 


Possible challenges that may come up during construction… It could fall apart, or my partner and I might argue. 


Each partner will be responsible for: Building, Material Passer. 


After the Build

Our design worked well because we didn’t argue, and it stayed together the whole time, and we completed the challenge. 


This activity was challenging because at the beginning when we were deciding whose plan to do. 


This activity was comfortable because we completed it, and we didn’t argue. 


I met my teamwork communication goal by having patience with my teammates, and listening to their idea’s.  


A strength of my partnership was that we barley argued. 


An area of growth for my partnership is to not argue at all. 


For our next challenge, my new teamwork communication goal for myself is to still: Not argue, and to not rush my teamates. 



“In a place where there are no people, try to be a person, Pirkei Avot.”


I think that this quote means: “Don’t try to fit in if there’s nobody like you, Just be yourself.”

I think that I can apply this text to my one life by: Not trying to fit in, and to just be myself, and shine in my one way.


“In a place where there are no people, try to be a person, Pirkei Avot.”


End of NA Unit Reflection

How do you think you have grown as a learner since the beginning of this unit? I think that I have grown a lot as a learner through out the beginning of this year because in the past years, when I learned about the Native Americans, I’ve only learned about the separate tribes, with a partner, and then we were just done with the unit. But this year, we’ve really dove deep into the Native American’s, by learning about the tribes, Christopher Columbus, and a bunch of other stuff. And so far in Social Studies, (just like Science and E.T.C.), We worked in groups a lot this year, which I think made me a better group member also. 

What topic this unit has been most interesting to you? Explain. Learning about Christopher Columbus, because we got to debate about him.  

Think about our school values.

  • What has this unit made you wonder? It made me wonder if the Sport teams are going to change their name or mascots. 
  • How has this unit made you feel empathy? It made me feel empathy because I learned more about my classmates and how to work better in groups. 
  • How has this unit strengthened your feeling of Tikkun Olam? It made me learn about other things that happen around the world, and how we can can help repair them. 

What can we (your teachers) change to make this unit better in the future? I think that you can maybe try to do some more games and debates about the things that your teaching in class. 

My Prior Knowledge of What an Invasive Species Is

What do you think invasive species means? I think that it means that their species are very likely known to get invaded. 

What does it mean to invade something? It means to come in to someones space without them knowing, like a surprise attack or something like that. 

Can animals invade? Yes, because they have a brain which means they attack someone or something. 

What about plants? If the plant can move their whole body. 

How might invasive species affect other organisms in their environment? If someones invades themp then they might die, which would affect the food chain. 


Reflecting On E.T.C.

How have you changed as a group member this year in ETC? I think that I have, because we have been working in groups since the beginning of the school year which I think gave me a lot of practice in working in groups and in most of the blog posts that we have been doing (Partly including this one), we have some questions on how we can improve, and what our goal is, which I think that it helps me think about that. 


How has working in ETC made you a better student in other classes? (Social Studies, E.L.A., Jewish Studies, Hebrew, Math, Science) I think that it helps in our other classes because in most (Maybe even all of them), we work in groups a lot. 


Thinking about my blog posts, I have improved by talking about the Blog Post rubrics, our teachers making checklists and reviewing them, and dong so many Blog Posts which is a lot of practice and practice makes you get better and better. 


In the future, I plan to improve my blog posts by looking at the Blog post rubric and checklist and make sure I include and do all of those things on the checklist and rubric. 

Native American Experience

Some Native Americans do not like the term Native American. Explain why they reject this name: They rejected it because some of them might not be American. 


One person in the BBC Video said that living in poverty does not mean they are poor. What do you think he meant by that? Maybe because some of them feel like they are being kept in a prison. Or maybe some of them always feel mad for maybe even no reason. 


Some Native Americans approve of the team name Redskins. What is their reason for approving this name while others do not? Maybe they approve because they think it sounds cool, or maybe they don’t follow football. 


In the CNN segment, there was a story told about a woman who used to approve of the name Redskins, and now does not. What changed? Why does she no longer approve of the name? At 1st, she didn’t know that it was Raciest and Stereotypical, then when she found out, she instantly changed her mind. 


How can non-Native people help others learn about Native Americans current issues? What can we do to help? Maybe we can donate them money. 

Where Do Living Things Get the Food They Need Lab

Today in science we tested a bean seed and a potato for starch to answer the question, “Do plants contain the food that organisms need?” Below, is my scientific explanation that explains what we learned and discovered from our lab today.

Image of lab: 

Claim: Plants contains food that Organisms need.

Evidence: I know that the Potato and the bean are food because when I put the Iodine on the Potato and the bean they both turned at least a little black, which means that they both have starch in them, and food has starch, which means that they are both food.

Reasoning: I know that potato’s and beans are both food because they turned black when I put Iodine on them.

Cup Holder Challenge

Today’s Challenge: Using only provided materials ( 6 straws, 1 piece of paper, a piece of tinfoil, 12 inches of masking tape, 2 paperclips, 2 pieces of string, 1 envelope, and 2 pipe cleaners)  create a structure that holds two cups as high as possible and as far apart as possible.


Teamwork Rubric Focus: 


My goal for participation today while working in my group is to not be competitive and to cooperate doing my best job with whatever my job ends up being.  


My Individual Plan <insert photo of sketch and/or type out plan>

Why I think my plan will be successful: Because I think that it’s really balanced and well structured. 


My Groups Plan <insert photo or sketch and/or type out plan>

We chose this plan because… because we thought that it was well structured. 


Possible challenges that may come up during construction: It might fail or/and break down. 


Each group member will be responsible for… Building, Passing Materials and Recording. 


After the Build

<insert photo of completed chain>

Our design worked well because it worked well at the beginning. 


This activity was challenging because we ran out of tape at the end and the tape didn’t hold at the end. 


This activity was comfortable because our group cooperated. 


I met my participation goal by both not being competitive and working as hard as I could with my job. 


A strength of my team was all cooperated and what it looked like most of us all did our best at our jobs and we all could pick the jobs that we wanted because we all wanted to do different jobs. 


An area of growth for my team is not to rush each other when we are about to run out of time at the end. 


For our next challenge, my new participation goal for myself is not rush my partners at the end. 

Paper Chain Challenge

Today’s Challenge: Using only provided materials (two pieces of construction paper, 1 pair of scissors, 1 ruler and one 12-inch strip of masking tape) create the longest paper chain possible.


Teamwork Rubric Focus:


My goal for teamwork today is to not be the boss of my group and hog the roles. 


My Individual Plan <insert photo of sketch and/or type out plan>

Why I think my plan will be successful: I think that It will be successful because if we tape the tape on both sides it should hold. 


My Groups Plan <insert photo or sketch and/or type out plan>

We chose this plan because… if the paper strips are longer and skinnier, then it will take less time and it will be longer and we will have more paper. 


Possible challenges that may come up during construction… We might mess up, or it could brake both while they are measuring it, though my group and I will have to try our best not freak out if that happens. 


Each group member will be responsible for… Cutting the paper at beginning, At the end handing tape to whoever is building, and Building the Paper with the tape is 2 people. 


After the Build

<insert photo of completed chain>

Our design worked well because… we weren’t arguing at all, we cooperated very well because whenever someone needed help, they helped that person, and we didn’t complain when we assigned each other jobs.  


This activity was challenging because… at the beginning when we started it, Gev. Kimmel told us that we couldn’t to what we were doing, but we already started, so we had to take it apart. 


This activity was comfortable because…. we all cooperated well and listened to each others idea’s. 


I met my teamwork goal by… not Hogging all of the roles. 


A strength of my team was…. that we all cooperated with the roles and we all had the same goal of what we wanted the paper chain to end up looking like in the end. 


An area of growth for my team is… cooperating. 


For our next challenge, my new teamwork goal for myself is…. to try harder than i did this time. 


Native American Mascots


Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people should be changed. I think that they should be changed because most of them are Stereotypical and raciest to the Native Americans.    


Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why? Yes, because the mascots are raciest and Stereotypical to them. 


Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain. Yes because it would probably be Stereotypical.  


Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why? Yes because it was really rude to the Native Americans.