Revisiting My Puzzle Piece

Here is a photo of my groups puzzle piece:

In August, I thought the following about myself as a learner: I thought that I was a pretty good learner if I had some quit music or some people talking quietly because I thought that it would help me focus better. 

Today, I would add the following to my puzzle piece:  I would add that music doesn’t help me. 


Today, I would tweak or modify my puzzle piece by….because… Now, I think that music wouldn’t help me, even is it’s super quiet, because I really enjoy music, so I would be focusing on the music and not the work. I also think that I would work better if their wasn’t a lot of pictures and stuff around me because then I would have terrible focus because I would be focusing on the pictures and not the work. 


I think I’ve already grown this year as a learner by Forcing myself to focus by fidgeting quietly with something or with with just my hands. 


Thinking about working in teams in ETC, my classmates can best support my learning needs by…. being quiet during the work time. 

Columbus Debate Reflection

Explain how your group worked together before the debate (during research). Did you work well together? We kind of worked well with our teamwork, but we mostly only got facts about Columbus and not a bunch of good things that he did. 

Explain how your group worked together during the debate. Did you work well together? Not really, because, we weren’t really prepared because we only had facts, so we had to make up some of our stuff, and during our time to discuss what we were gonna say in between our debate with the other group, we were arguing.   

What can you do differently next time? Why will this help you and your group improve? If they don’t remember to add in good or bad things about whoever we are doing the debate on. I can try to remember to remind them. 

Explain how this debate influenced your opinion on Columbus. Looking and listening to my partners during the debate, and listing to the other team during the debate, I learned a lot of good and bad things about Christopher Columbus. 

Pinball Marble Run Challenge


My teamwork/communication goal for this challenge: Not to argue with my partners. 

What ideas do you have? 1. We can use the scissors to cut holes in the paper plate and number them with different points. 2. We can use the pipe cleaners or  to make it so you either have to get the marble under or over the pipe cleaners. 3.  We can use the Popsicle sticks to hit the ball. 4. We can use the holes against the marble to block the marble. 5. We can cut the toilet paper holder in half for a mini slide to score in. Behind the holes we can have more small holes, but instead of blocking you, you earn more points. 

Your group has shared all of your ideas. Before you can start building, what is your actual plan? To start off with a slide that takes you into another slide that has two parts, but you have to exit the 2 part slide in between the 2 parts and then you have to direct the marble into the maze, and then you have to exit the maze at the right time and dodge the 3 blockers and either get into the main goal, or the 2 other goals, which let you get extra points because they’re behind the 2 blockers. 

  • What will your marble run look like? (draw a sketch & insert photo here) 
  • How will you make sure all members of the group are included in the building process? We can either take turns building each step, or we can give each other different jobs, which could be: Pictures, Documenting, Building, Material passer or/and other stuff like that.  

What did your finished product look like? (Add in Picture Here)


What was comfortable about the challenge/teamwork? We all did the writing work together 1st, We all came up with different jobs for each other and agreed on them in the end, but we still talked and helped each other the whole way.

What was difficult about the challenge/teamwork? At the beginning, when we were choosing the jobs, we had a little trouble and we kind of yelling at each other for a little bit, but in the end it worked out. In the middle of the building process, we were kind of yelling at each other because some of us were hogging the almost all of the building process.  

How did the teamwork rubric help your group today? It didn’t. 

Is there anything you would change about the teamwork rubric after going through this challenge? No. 

How did you support your team today? At the end of some of the arguments, I just went with what they told me to do and after that I tried to break up my partners argument.  

What might you do differently during our next team challenge? I’ll try harder not to argue at all and just except what my partners tell me to do.  


What Makes A Team Work

Today’s essential question: What makes a team work? 

Why is it important to develop the capacity to work as a member of a team? When you grow up, you are gonna have to work as a team with your family, and probably at your job. 

What areas of teamwork do you find easiest and why? I find helping your teammates and comparing idea’s the easiest because when you help your teammates, your just telling them what the questions mean and when you are comparing your answers with your teammates and making sure they are right and if they aren’t, you just do it again.  

What areas of teamwork do you find most challenging and why? Choosing the different  jobs because two people might want to do the same thing and they might not cooperate about which one to do.

What difference does it make if you are able to play a role in the development of assessment tools?  The difference it makes is that I get to decide how I’ll be graded. I’m fine with both but it’s nice to share my opinion on what is important to watch how much I improve. 

In what way(s) do you connect this work to our Core Values: Wonder, Empathy & Tikkun Olam? You have Empathy for your partner(s) when you help them, You wonder your questions, and you repair the world when you help your friends.