Newspaper Shoe Challenge

Today’s Challenge: Using only newspaper, 24 inches of tape, and one scissors, you and your partner need to create one shoe that fits either you or your partner’s foot. The shoe must be able to come on and off without falling apart.


Teamwork Rubric Focus (Communication):


My goal for communication today is to have patience with my teammates, and to listen to their idea’s.  


My Individual Plan

My Individual Plan: My individual plan is to put either my foot or my partners foot on the newspaper, and then mark the exact measurement on the newspaper, then cut the newspaper on the pencil mark, and then use the extra newspaper to be put around both the persons foot, and the bottom newspaper, but make it just a little loose so when the person takes his/foot out of the newspaper shoe without the newspaper shoe breaking.

Why I think my plan will be successful: I think that it will be successful because the newspaper around the shoe, will have extra padding at the bottom of the shoe, me or my partner take out of the 


Our Group’s Plan 

Our groups plan is to make our is to use the biggest person sized foot, and measure their foot and mark the foot size on the newspaper then cut it out on the pencil mark, and then use the extra newspaper to make it like a slide.

We chose this plan because there is a very high chance that it will stay together because we made it a little extra loose so when the person that takes their foot out of the slide, it will still stay together. 


Possible challenges that may come up during construction… It could fall apart, or my partner and I might argue. 


Each partner will be responsible for: Building, Material Passer. 


After the Build

Our design worked well because we didn’t argue, and it stayed together the whole time, and we completed the challenge. 


This activity was challenging because at the beginning when we were deciding whose plan to do. 


This activity was comfortable because we completed it, and we didn’t argue. 


I met my teamwork communication goal by having patience with my teammates, and listening to their idea’s.  


A strength of my partnership was that we barley argued. 


An area of growth for my partnership is to not argue at all. 


For our next challenge, my new teamwork communication goal for myself is to still: Not argue, and to not rush my teamates. 


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