My School Day

  • How do you get to school?

Now that we are in quarantine I go to school by going to my computer and turning it on.

  • What is your timetable like? Do you have set subjects at certain times?

No, not really the teachers put up work, and I can do it anytime in the day.

  • Do you have one teacher or many?

I have many teachers.

  • What time do you begin and end school?

I wake up at 8:30 and I like to start school at 9:00

  • Do you get to choose what you learn?

No, I do not

  • What technology do you have at school?

We each have our own Chromebooks that we get to take home, but I just use my own computer at home because it’s a lot faster.

Raised Garden Bed

1. What is a raised garden bed?

Its a garden that is raised off the ground using some type of material.

2. Why should we build a raised garden bed at our school?

It would be good for the environment, and it would look nice.

3. What should we not build a raised garden bed at our school?

There might be some better alternatives, like a green house.


Brick raised garden beds


I like this one because it fits with the theme, it doesn’t seem out of place or unnatural.

Who I am as an Avatar





My avatar is just me. I am looking into the camera wearing blue clothes.

I chose this because I am the person making the blogs, so why not just make it me. Also it was pretty easy to make.

My avatar would have the power of telekinesis. This is because the avatar represents me, and I am really lazy, and having telekinesis, would make life so much easier.





How to help close the hunger gap

1. Explain what the four factors of poverty are and how they impact one’s life.

It can shorten your life span and cause trama and anxiety which can pop up later in life to make your life harder. It can also make you depressed in your later years because of the trama.

2. Explain how the cycle of poverty works.

You are born into a poor family then you can’t get a good education so you can’t get a good job, so then you can’t get a lot of money so then you have a child and then it restarts.

3. How do we help people get healthy food cheaply (make sure your answer is realistic)?

We can dedicate some more money to getting food and money to people that are in poverty instead of giving that money to other things. Like maybe give a little less to the military or something like that.

What government policy suggestions do you have?

Try to put money to the things that matter more like the health and schooling of Americans other than unneeded things.

What changes can you/we make to help?

We can raise money and give back to homeless people. Maybe we can have a fundraiser and raise some money by selling cookies or something like that, we can volunteer at places that help people in need too.

Cycle of Poverty

What circumstances can fuel long-term poverty?

A family history of poverty could fuel it. Living in a city that is in poverty. Not having a good education. Not being able to get a good job.

How can poverty affect succeeding generations?

You can’t give your children a good education because you can’t pay for a good education. If your children get sick you don’t have the money to get medicine. Also, if you don’t have enough money for transportation they would have to walk and they could get hurt by a car. If employers see that a child comes from a poor family they might not want to employ them either.



Classroom Economy – Summary of Learning

As someone in this experience, tell your story.  Describe your experience. Tell us about the highs and the lows.  What were your major takeaways? What did you learn? How did you like it?  Be sure to explain your answers.

At first, it started as a fun game, we got taxes, rent, salaries. We had a president and we had a supreme leader, that’s it. That was the high because that was when it wasn’t as complicated and it was fun. Then people started taking it really seriously and it got kind of boring because people just kept on needing more money and it just started to not get fun. That was the low, and because it was starting to get not fun, that’s why we stopped.

How did your character’s role/situation in the game affect your ability to take care of yourself?  Think about your income, job, rent, the amount of money you had, any loans you took out, and your health situation.

It was good because I get paid $900 for being a financial adviser, so I had enough money for basic needs. But one day there was a surge of people that made a mistake on their P&L. I was one of them. So I and many others had to pay $2222.22. So I asked for a loan from someone, that is a CEO and makes a lot more money than me and they gave me that loan.

What aspects of your character’s life encouraged success?  What aspects of your character’s life brought about failure?  Explain how that process worked.

I had enough money for basic needs so I didn’t have hypertension disorder because I had enough money, which was pretty successful. What wasn’t successful was when I had the pay the $2000 because of the mistake I made on my P&L.

What attempts did you make to improve your character’s life?  How successful were these attempts? How difficult were those attempts and why?

Before I made $900 I made $200 as a photographer, so I applied to a new job and I made it. I had to answer some questions then take an interview, they asked questions like why should I get this job. I also tried to take a GED test but I didn’t follow through because it didn’t seem like it was worth it.

In bullet points, write a list of what you learned about poverty from this activity.  Be sure to include a brief description next to each item about what you learned, explaining your learning/thinking.

  • A lot worse than I thought
  • Eviction (You can get evicted because of no money)
  • You can get food stamps (The government gives you money for food)
  • You can get Medicare and Medicaid (you get free medicare for old people and people that don’t have a lot of money.)


Unequal Pay

1. How did you feel when you realized there was such an unequal pay amount between workers and bosses?

I didn’t care because that’s how it is in real life. And also people don’t understand that in real life, that is how it works. And it’s getting on my nerves when other people complain about it.

2. Why does unequal pay between workers and bosses happen?

Because the boss gets money from all of the company. And the workers just get their pay from the boss. And the boss want to keep some money so the boss doesn’t pay a lot of money to the workers.

3. What is a realistic solution to prevent such unequal pay from happening in the future?

There isn’t because there isn’t one in real life. That’s just how it is.

4. What is one topic that has interested you thus far and why is it interesting to you (ex: evictions, utility meters, unequal pay, taxes, rent).

I am interested in pay. Because I like how it fluctuates and the difference in pay between people. And how much people struggle because of it.