To March On Washington

My role is a young African American college student. I am 22 years old. Before I went to college, I studied in a segregated school in hometown in Mississippi. I’ve heard about others who went to marches and sit-ins, and some of those people got hurt even though they weren’t trying to hurt anyone else. Some of my friends get very angry about the civil rights movement. They think that Dr. King is too peaceful and won’t ever get anything done. I would mach to Washington because I think it is so unfair to treat African Americans like this and same with Whites.Β  Some people that are white are getting treated badly too. For example, I feel everyone should have the right to get a job no matter what their skin color or gender.Β  Β I think that whites and blacks should be equal and march together for freedom and jobs.

Strategy Check ReflectionπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸˆπŸ•πŸ’πŸ‡πŸ‘πŸ”πŸ£πŸ€πŸ₯πŸ„πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ‹πŸ³πŸ–πŸ·

Volume:Β How many responses do I have? I have 14 responses. I think that I have done good and have wrote enough responses and They make sence.

Variety: Do I have different types of responses? Yes because if you look at my strategy sheet they are in different sections.Β  Some of the responses I have written include are lists of characters, and predictions.

Thoughtfulness: Do I have more than one type of entry per book? Yes for example, when I read The Magic Theif I used character sketch and summary.

Intentionally: Yes because It makes me feel stronger about what I am reading.Β  One examples is when I did a K-W-L chart for whales.Β  I felt that I earned a lot of new facts.

One Word Goal

My one-word-goal is mindfull. Why I picked this one is because I should be more mindfull of what actions I do and what I am sorounded by. Another reason is , that I should be mindfull when I am doing my work by slowing down and making sure I am checking my work and doing my best.