Special activity for Hanukkah

The 6th graders organized rotations for Hanukkah today. They planned the activities which were related to Hanukkah, made the signs in both Hebrew and English,  gave instructions, managed the time, cleaned up and basically ran the whole activity.  It was amazing to see their engagement, responsibility and cooperation.




In the spirit of Hanukkah, we talked and wrote about the “light in my life” –  things that make me happy. We practiced Hebrew and it gave me a chance to get to know them better.


Happy Hanukkah!

Gev. Ishak


Hanukkah in 4th grade

The past week we were focusing on speaking skill.

In the spirit of Hanukkah, we spread the light by giving compliments to our friends. The Hebrew month is Kislev, which means pocket (kis) and heart (lev), therefore the kids wrote positive things about their friends on a heart and put it in a pocket.

We talked about our favorite sufganiot : with Jelly (Riba), chocolate or candies (sukariot).


Happy Hanukkah!

Gev. Ishak


Hanukkah with 7-8 grade

Holiday is always a reason to celebrate and do something special. We took a short walk to the Shlichim’s house to speak Hebrew in a different atmosphere.

We played with Sevivon, sang songs, played games and learn about Hanukkah while practicing speaking.

Focusing on the bright side and spreading the light in the honor of Hanukkah, we gave complements to our friends and then wrote our teacher a word of appreciation.






Happy Hanukkah,

Gev. Ishak