stasman24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site



I am grateful for Gev. Dowling because she helps me learn. I am grateful for my friends because they support me. I am grateful that we got to hatch chicks. I am grateful for my mother because she makes me noodles for dinner every night. I am grateful for my father because he works out with me. I am grateful for trees because they help us breath. I am grateful for my grandparents because they come visit us from far away. I am grateful for my bike so I can have fun. I am grateful for my house so I am safe when I am sleeping. I am grateful for food so I won’t be hungry. I am grateful for a car so I don’t have to walk everywhere. I am grateful for water so I can drink and won’t get thirsty. I am grateful that I am Jewish. I am grateful for a good life.


  1. I am grateful that you are grateful for so many different aspects of your life, Sarina. I am grateful every single day that you came into this world to be part of our family, my dear.

  2. that’s a heart

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