stasman24's learning journey

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Since we are learning about  Argentina, we are doing weaving. People weave a lot in Argentina. There are different parts of the loom. There is the loom, it is what all of the parts put together. There is the weft, the part that you have to weave in. There is also the warp, the part that you have to weave on with the weft. There is  a shed stick, you weave it in and flip it up and you put the needle right through, but you can’t use it for every row or you will have to do the last two over again. Last, but not least there is the needle, the part you use to weave the weft through the warp. I think my weaving will look beautiful when it’s done.


One Comment

  1. I love how all your posts have introductory and concluding sentences. I wish my university students remembered to do that more often! In Kingston, where we are living these days, there is a handloom weavers and spinners guild. The guild members built a giant loom to make blankets big enough for a king size bed. We bought a huge rainbow blanket that took a pair of expert weavers two whole days to make, and gave it away as a gift.

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