stasman24's learning journey

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The Handwriting Hospital


Sometimes when we have handwriting that Gev. Dowling can’t read,we have to go to the Handwriting Hospital. In the Handwriting Hospital,there is a pencil and some lined paper. We then have to write a few thing in our best handwriting. I don’t know exactly what happened because no one in our class has been in there. The diseases we’ve studied are Sloppox and Tinywritis. I hope I don’t have to go to the Handwriting Hospital!


  1. I think I might need the handwriting hospital!

  2. Ha ha! UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH no you don’t!

  3. I think the person who really needs to go to the handwriting hospital the most is Zeide. Have you ever seen his handwriting?

  4. It is too bad Zeide never went to the clinic. Now no one can read his writing!

  5. I did. You need to remind him.

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