1. How did you feel when you realized there was such an unequal pay amount between workers and bosses?
I felt a little upset. I knew there would be a difference, but do  bosses really have to make hundreds of times more money than the workers?
2. Why does unequal pay between workers and bosses happen?
I didn’t finish reading the article.
3. What is a realistic solution to prevent such unequal pay from happening in the future?
I think that we should pay workers more or bosses less.
4. What is one topic that has interested you thus far and why is it interesting to you (ex: evictions, utility meters, unequal pay, taxes, rent).

I think that it is all interesting because they are things we can actually use in the real world, (which is something you don’t get a lot in school)

One thought on “unequal pay

  1. I understand we should pay workers more, but do you think bosses of the future will voluntarily give up their own money so that workers are treated more fairly?

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