Buildng Reflection

What about the building process was challenging? We weren’t allowed to use a locker, so we had to use other suplies that didn’t stick together as well. How did your build differ from your plan? (If your build was different than your plan, update your plan!) We didn’t use a locker, and we used a […]


Dissection Reflection

What is the value of dissecting? To really…expiriance disgusting body parts. Like being able to moving them, touching them, and cutting them up, instead of just looking at a picture and not having to take the chance of throwing up! I personaly don’t like it, but I’m sure there’s lots of people who do! How did the dissection help […]


Rapunzel planning reflection

How did spending more time on planning improve your final blueprint? We needed more time to plan and we got it. We were also told that we couldn’t use a locker because we couldn’t use it. How did your group come to one final plan after brainstorming several ideas? Well, everyone just agreed with my […]