Invention Convention Project Proposal

What ideas have you brainstormed?

A locket that you use as a walky talky.

What is the problem you identified?

Several actually.

1.People missing each other but don’t have a phone with them.

2. (If i can atatch heaphones but I don’t think I can) People don’t want to hold up a walky talky to their mouth every second because they’re doing something.

3.I’m going to be going to overnight camp with my best friend but we might not be in the same cabin. We also might not be doing the same things and won’t be able to talk to each other. And we’re not allowed to have our phones.

4. If someone wants to hide the fact they’re bringing a walky talky.

5. Any of those little different things combined into more problems.

6. (If I find a way to add headphones or earplugs) If you want to keep your conversations private. (problem 4 and 6 can’t be done at the same time)

What is the solution to your problem?  Please include a labeled sketch.
Where did I look to see if the idea was new?

I searched up locket walky talky and nothing showed up except regular walky talkys.

Most of the problems have been solved already (I know from experience in life and common sense)  but not anything that solves all the problems, at least not the way I’m doing it.

What materials do I need?
What is my plan?
What help do I need from others?

One thought on “Invention convention brainstorming

  1. A) Out of all the projects you brainstormed, why did you pick the one you did to focus on most? What interests you the most about it? She says that it’s so she can use it in camp.

    B) Do you feel the “problem” identified is realistic? Remember, you are in Shark Tank and convincing someone to give you money. Would they look at your product, your solution to this “problem” and say it’s “already been done” or that it doesn’t really solve the issue? She says it will look better to carry it around then an actual walkie talky.

    C) Is the drawing clearly labeled? Do you feel all components are thought of and included? She didn’t draw anything yet.

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