Unequal Pay

1. How did you feel when you realized there was such an unequal pay amount between workers and bosses?
I knew that from the start that the pay was very unequal. When I first heard my paycheck compared to other peoples, I was kind of upset because I don’t think it is fair that I am making ~800 more dollars than most other people.
2. Why does unequal pay between workers and bosses happen?
Sometimes companies think some bosses work harder than other workers and that is not fair but at some points it is true. Another reason is that they are higherups and therefore higher than others.
3. What is a realistic solution to prevent such unequal pay from happening in the future?
Make new jobs for people who either don’t have ones that pay livable or just don’t have jobs at all.
4. What is one topic that has interested you thus far and why is it interesting to you (ex: evictions, utility meters, unequal pay, taxes, rent).
What is really interesting me is rent because most schools don’t teach us about this stuff so this entire unit is actually really helpful for people in the future.

3 thoughts on “Unequal Pay

  1. You were upset that you were getting paid more, but you have not done anything about that. You have not given money to others, spent it on charity, or offered to return it to me.

    So to close the wage gap, you propose making new jobs for people. Those people that don’t have much will then have to work two jobs instead of just one. Does that seem fair to you?

  2. Hey Sg,

    I really enjoyed reading your opinion on unequal pay and the different solutions. Unequal pay is not really talked about (taboo), and coming from one without pay it is quite interesting because it is not bias. I hope to hear from you again!

    Shelby (Singapore, Malaysia)

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