Mold Terrarium Follow-Up


Here is a picture of our bread:

  Here are some questions on the moldy bread:

  1. Once the mold began to grow, how did the appearance of the mold change over time?The appearance of the mold din’t change really at all because the bread is still NOT moldy at all and I think that’s because we id not put enough water in the jar.
  2. Hopefully, when we buy foods at a grocery store they are not moldy. What do you think food manufacturers do to foods to prevent the growth of mold? I think they put certain chemicals on the food but they are not bad chemicals and also you can NEVER fully prevent mold from growing on anything but they prevent it from growing later than it would have if you didn’t put chemicals on it.
  3. Many fungi are decomposers. What does this mean? This means that decomposers break down fungi.
  4. Make a list of useful things fungi can do. Fungi Can:Make Medicine, It can be good to eat in mushrooms or in cheese if there is yeast, and it can also help to decompose things.I used this link to help me:


Chicken Mummification Day 5

Date of Mummification:1-3-18

Process Day:Day 20

Group Roles:

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: L

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: S

Picture Taker: J

Procedure Police/Reflector: D


Step 1: We Dumped the mixture out and off of the chicken in a tinfoil tray so that we could mummify the chicken some more and make a new mixture.

Step 2: We emptied out the tinfoil tray that the chicken was in and we put the mixture from before in the garbage and washed out the tinfoil tray with water and used 2 wipes to disinfect it.

Step 3: We then Mixed the salt and baking soda and some Sage for a better scent and then we put together the mixture.We used about 2 and a half pounds of salt and 3 pounds of baking soda to fill up the inside and outside of the chicken.We used about 1 tablespoon of sage to make the chicken from the inside and out not smell so bad.

Step 4: After that we buried the Chicken in the mixture in a tinfoil tray so that the chicken could mummify some more.

Step 5:  We Put the chicken back on the windowsill so that it could get smaller and mummify even more than from before.


Photos of Us Mummifying the Chicken:

Group Reflection:

Sight: The chicken shrunk and looks kind of like purple or black and also it also a little red and it’s really shriveled up but this all depends on where you look at the chicken because on every side of the chicken it looks different and like all the things I just mentioned above.Also all around the chicken it kind of looks like a raisin!

Touch: The chicken feels like a pretty hard raisin!

Smell: The chicken smells like dirty dogs or like 10 pairs of stinky socks because of the mixture not because of the chicken!