7th One Pager Summer Reading Assessment

  1. Explain three choices you made on your one pager which show your comprehension of the book or what you learned from the book. One choice I made on my project was to put a lot of picture, with quotes, that were kind like mini comic strips, just only one box. I made this choice because it shows I understood what happened in the book because the quotes were things that they said in the book, which shows that I understood what they said. And the mini comic boxes showed that I understood what was happening in the book. Another choice I made on my project was to put extra quotes, and comic strips. I made this choice because it shows I learned how to do sketch notes, and how to do quotes. Another reason that I made this choice because it shows I understood what happened in the book. A third choice I made on my project was to say my opinion of the beginning of the book. I said how I think that it’s a little hard to understand at the beginning of the book. I think that I didn’t really understand it was because there were a lot of characters that the author was introducing. I made this choice because it shows I learned that even if at the beginning of a book you really don’t understand what’s happening big time, you just have to push yourself to keep reading, because later in the book chances are you’ll start to like it, and understand it.
  2. Explain how you used color on your one pager. I used color on my one pager to make stuff stand out because I think that that helps whoever reads it understand whats important to read or not to read. I also used color to show whoever reads it to know what’s positive, and/or whats negative. I also used color, and different shades of pencil for border lines and to separate different topics or/and different quotes, mini comic boxes, themes… etc.
  3. Explain two pieces of textual evidence and why you choose that text for your one pager. One piece of textual evidence was the quote that Sarah said at the beginning of the story. Which Was: “Tell no one, you’ve found her.” Another one is in the middle when Aunt Zelda screamed at Boy 412, and Jenna for getting on the Vengeance. The quote is: “YOU DID WHAT!!!”
  4. Which learning goal did you do your best work on? Which one do you find challenging? Summarizing the story without writing a formal summary. I think the most challenging one was noting key idea’s.

This is a picture of my one pager:

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