Memoir Update

We’ve been working on writing memoirs in ELA for the past few weeks. Here is an update of what I’ve accomplished/learned at each stage of the writing process.


The part of the writing process for memoirs that has been the most comfortable for me has always been Drafting because Drafting is when you get to write your 1st version of your story beginning to end. 


The part of the writing process for memoirs that has been the most challenging for me has always been Selecting because I have a big imagination which helps me come up with a bunch of great Idea’s which makes it really hard to choose which idea I want to write about. But I still love my imagination. 




I’ve learned the characteristics of a memoir include: All Memoirs are memories. Most Memoirs are very short stories. Most Memoirs focus on small moments in your life.  


I think the characteristic I really want to focus on in my writing is when I was playing the drums when I was 2 years old and when I hit a grand slam in a playoff game because both of those memories are very valuable and I will remember them for the rest of my life.   


My favorite memoir mentor text was… because the author… 

I don’t really have a favorite memoir mentor text because none of the memoir books that we read in class were very interesting.

Generating Ideas/Selecting



Why do you want to share this idea/story with others? I want to share them because I think that they are good idea’s.


What emotions do you want your reader to feel as they read your memoir? I want their emotions to be excited and I want to put them suspense.   




Here is my first draft:  

P.S sorry that it’s not complete in the picture because the rest of the story was going around a whole different story. 




One thing I think I did really well is put the reader in suspense because at the end I think that it is very exciting.


As I head into editing and revising, one thing I want to focus on is making my story more exciting because then the reader will enjoy it more.


Stay tuned for another post soon as I work on revising my first draft. If you have any SHE (specific, helpful, empathetic) feedback, please leave it as a comment!


2 thoughts on “Memoir Update

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post today. It sounds like your memoir will be great and I’m looking forward to reading it. If you’d like someone to read it over for you I’d be happy to. I made a connection to your post as I find drafting to also be the most comfortable part of the writing process for me. Let me know when you’d like for me to see your work!

  2. Hi Oren,

    I love that you love your imagination! I also like the memories that you are writing about in your memoir. I hope you’ll let me read it …


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