Chicken Day 2

Date: 12-15-17


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain:Stav

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: Gavin

Picture Taker:Maya

Procedure Police/Reflector: Oren


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible. We got the materials. We put on the gloves and that stuff. We are cleaning off the chicken. We mixed 3 pounds of salt and baking soda and put it in the pan and then put the chicken in the pan. Then we added another 3 pounds of salt and baking soda and cinnamon and that in the pan and then put the chicken in the pan. And then we made sure that the chicken was covered in salt and baking soda and cinnamon. Now we are cleaning up. We are all done!!!



How did your procedure today change from what you had planned? We added rosemary to our supplies list.


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight(Before): Powdery Chickens

Touch (Before): hard and bumpy and The old mixter is hard and it felt like a rock.

Smell(Before): Cinnamon

Sight(After):light brmixtureown

Touch(After): soft



How do you think the chicken will change between now and Monday? It will probably smell even worse than it already is. It will also maybe be harder.

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