Predicting the Size of the Result

  1. Here is the word problem my partner and I solved:

An apple orchard covers 12 acres. There is a watering spout for every ¼ acre. Are there more or fewer than 12 watering spouts? How do you know? How many watering spouts are there in the orchard?

  1. Here is a picture of my visual that represents the problem:

  1. Here is my equation(s) with a variable to represent the unknown amount:

12 x 4 = F F= 48

There are 12 acres. For every 1/4 there is a watering spout. To get your answer you say 12 acres and 4 water spouts in it which is saying 12 x 4

  1. When predicting my answer, I know my answer will be smaller or larger because…

There is multiple watering spouts per acre, so there must be more than 12 watering spouts

  1. My answer and label is…



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