3rd grade Jewish Studies- Welcome!

Bruchim Ha’baim! Welcome!

It has been such a pleasure spending 4 days in the classroom with the students.

3rd graders have Jewish Studies every morning. The cohorts rotate between Jewish studies and general studies for the first and second class of the day. This week, we have talked in Jewish studies about the Jewish prayer that we begin our morning with- “Modeh Ani”- which means “I give thanks”. We have talked about showing gratitude in our life and created a gratitude board where the kids share what they are grateful for. The students have been grateful for so many wonderful things: their friends, families, being able to go to school, nature, brownies and even broccoli!

During our Jewish studies class we dedicate time to Tefillah (prayer) and we also went outside to have a Tefillah in nature.

Today we started out preparation for the high holidays by sharing birthday traditions from our families. Then we introduced Rosh Hashana- the birthday of the world- the Jewish new year. We will learn about Rosh Hashana traditions and how we prepare ourselves to the high holidays.

Shabbat Shalom!