sukkah day post 14

Answer prompts completely, using specific examples


This is a blog post about Today!!!!

Title of Post: Sukkah Day 14

Category: Sukkah/Social Studies


Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today


  1. Explain in at least two sentences what YOU accomplished today.

 Today I accomplished helping other people bring their sukkah wall to the meeting point where my class picked. I also accomplished by being a team leader, helping and telling people what to do and when to do it in a positive manner.


  1. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP accomplished today.


Today I really didn’t work with my group but I helped another group and another group to get their wall over to the place we’re going to put up our sukkah. Also, my group accomplished putting the outline for our window, so we can get it taken away to our spot to set up the sukkah.


  1. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP has to finish tomorrow. If you don’t know, ask a group member


Tomorrow my group has to accomplish putting in our window for our sukkah wall. After we put in the window we will have to take are wall to where the other walls are so we can connect them.


sukkah post day 13

 Answer prompts completely, using specific examples


This is a blog post about Friday!!!!

Title of Post: Sukkah Day 13

Category: Sukkah/Social Studies


Include AT LEAST 2 photos from Friday


  1. Today, we worked on __ Nailing the rest of our studs into our wall.___________ and it felt ______Exciting________ to do this because ___ Now we can move forward to where  we picked.________________.


  1. An example of when I worked well with a classmate was ___When I was helping  nail in other people’s . studs__________________.


  1. I have _ my window and one studs._____ left on my Sukkah wall. I am feeling ______ 4 more classes_______ about the amount of work left.

Yosef and Asher are helping to put in the studs.

Ari and Oren are helping there group by putting in studs.

sukkah day 12

  1. Include AT LEAST 5 photos from today


  1. Each photo should have the following:
  2. description of what you are doing
  3. description of why you are doing it
  4. explanation as to how you worked with others to get this thing done

Here’s a picture of a group nailing and drilling in studs for a slanted wall of our sukkah. The reason why the group is kneeling in these studs Is so our wall will stand and not fall over. I believe this group is working well together Because they are not fighting they’re focusing on what needs to be done.

 This group is nailing in the studs for our Doorway to our sukkah. The reason they are putting in the studs for our door is that without this door frame the wood would collapse and destroy our door which would be sad.  I think this group is working well together is because I see them communicating with each other and asking if things are right in if things should be changed in a certain order. 

This group here is speed squaring they’re studs to make sure that the studs are equal with the top and bottom Wood pieces. the reason why they’re doing this is that if the lines aren’t equal the nails will come out of the wood and we’ll use up a lot of supplies. I believe this group is working well together is because I see them all working together and not one of the people are sitting out there all communicating and conjugating while they’re working and getting things done.

This other group here is Drilling in screw so the studs could be more stable so they don’t crack and fall apart and make the sukkah Wall fall in. The reason that the are doing this is that if they don’t have strong studs they can’t put in walls that they need to and the sukkah would collapse. I feel like this group is working together is because I see a person Drilling in a screw and helping out with the group and it’s not just one person doing it it’s multiple.

This group is putting in the studs for the door frame so our sukkah Wouldn’t look bad. the reason they’re putting in the studs for our sukkah is that it wouldn’t hold the Jewish laws to the sukkah. I feel like this group is working together because I see two other people working with this group from another group and that shows that other people are willing to help a group in distress so they can get things done and not just sit around  doing nothing

sukkah post day 11

  1. What did your group accomplish today?

Today my group accomplished putting in a couple of studs and Drilling and mailing them in. 

  1. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished?

 My group has left to complete putting in the last of the studs and then attaching our wall to another person’s wall. before we put are wall to another person’s wall we must put in the window and some window studs. 

  1. Explain how well your group communicated/participated today. Be sure to include one specific example.

Today I feel like my group communicated great because we got a lot of things done and we weren’t always yelling at each other. What I  also liked is that our group thought things out before we did it but sometimes we didn’t and that ended up with a couple of nails turning bent and coming out of the wood so we had to fix those. 

Include at least 1 photo from today, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).

description: Adon Kaufman is helping Stella saw wood for my groups wall.


sukkah day 10

  1. What did your group accomplish today?

my group and I group got the last of the nails into wood and screws. Then Stella started to cut the wood to make our studs.

  1. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished?

We have to put in our studs and before we do that we have to cut the rest of the wood for the lengths we need. 

  1. What help do you need from me (Adon Kaufman) or your classmates? Be specific.

Maybe we will need some help with our studs and fixing our wall. 

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).

description:# Shiras first time with the big saw.

sukkah post day 9

. Describe what skills (s) you have learned so far. Who taught you those skills? How did they teach you those skills? How have you mastered those skills?


  1. Explain if you believe your group is ahead of behind other groups. Explain why you believe you are at that point.

Our group is definitely behind because I Don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing some other people in my group don’t know either. My group Is working on getting the slanted side done with studs. 

  1. How effectively did your group communicate and collaborate with each other? Provide one SPECIFIC example to support your point.

My example is when I was cutting the wood with a  table saw kind of. and Shamah was telling me directions on how to cut the wood. I feel like at this point me and my group was collaborating really well with are wall because we got a lot of things done during this time and Probably get more things done in the future.

  1. Today is a complete reset from last week. What is one goal YOU have for yourself? Explain why you picked that goal.

My goal for the coming week. Is 2 talk to people and see if they need help and if they don’t need help finding a way to help my group that doesn’t include just sitting around doing nothing. The reason I picked this goal is cuz if you don’t have anything else to do when you’re just sitting around there we’re not going to get this sucker done in time and I always feel like my group would get really annoyed at me if I didn’t help. 

  1. What is one goal you have for YOUR team? Explain why you picked that goal.

My goal for my team this week is to help them out more and get things done and get things wrapped up by the time this week ends. I feel like my other workmates would agree with me that they would like to get things done by the time this week ends. but I feel the greater goal to this would be me stepping in and helping and doing a lot of other things and maybe we can reach that goal by the time we set forth.

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).

sukkah post 8

This is a blog post about Yesterday!!!!
Title of Post: Sukkah Day 8 – Problem Solving
Category: Sukkah/Social Studies

1. What are the five steps to solving a problem (please list the steps)?
define the problem, stay calm, think of three ways to solve your problem, discuss the solutions with friends, if the solutions work you’re done.
2. Your group identified a problem you were experiencing. What was the problem? What were your solutions?
not a lot of milk cartons, here are my three solutions, keep on going with the OG plan, cut the cartons and make the design more simple.
3. Describe how it felt working with your group after you identified your problem and came up with solutions.
I felt like it was a good way to learn more about my group  and what fellings they have.
Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).

sukkah post 7

. Provide a SPECIFIC example of when you or a member of your group struggled to communicate effectively, with empathy, or appropriately. Make sure to include:
a. What led to that situation of miscommunication
b. How you felt when the miscommunication happened
c. How that miscommunication should have been handled instead
Stella wouldn’t really ask for help she apparently wanted to struggle. I could have walked up to Stella to see if she needed help.
2. Explain how poor communication let your team down. Make sure to include:
a. What was your team goal
b. What did you achieve in comparison to your team goal
Yesterday I floated around  Doing my own thing. I should have asked to see if my group needed help.
3. Describe one positive example of communication you witnessed/did yesterday during class. Make sure to include:
a. What was the situation
b. How did it feel different
c. What the outcome of that communication was

When I and my group were carrying some of the 10 ft wood boards. Also when  Eitan and I  were carrying a 16 ft board.

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time).

sukkah post-day 6

1. You spent time reflecting on past blog posts (looking at your strengths and weaknesses).
Describe the value, using a specific example from your blog post, of looking back and reflecting on our work

It was much easier to carry in the wood for our sukkah because we all worked together and got it done faster cause of teamwork.  cause if we didn’t do teamwork  people feelings would have gotten hurt, and it would have all fallen apart

On new blog posts, I will put more detail and proof. Also, I will put more pictures on my blog to follow the directions
2. We started to build our walls. What would you have done differently during the process and WHY? Explain what you did and how your fix would have made it better

What would I have done differently is to let more people help? I did more jobs than anyone else and took some jobs away from people too. If I could have done something differntly I would have done my fair share of jobs.

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time). If you do not have a photo, make sure to look at Adon Kaufman’s blog

organising day sukkah post 4

1. Describe the restorative circle process (when we wrote on our note cards and shared). Include: how you felt writing your notecard, how you felt sharing your notecard, how you felt if/when someone shared a notecard with you

I felt like that way of writing the notes helped me to say sorry to some people. Because I would normally just walk away and think it never happened. Also, I think that these notes are a better way to apologize to people if you are ashamed of yourself.

2. Describe how much easier/harder it was to bring the wood in when we were all working together. Include: how did it feel to work together, how were you communicating, how quickly things got done when we worked together

It was much easier to carry in the wood for our sukkah because we all worked together and got it done faster cause of teamwork.  cause if we didn’t do teamwork  people feelings would have gotten hurt, and it would have all fallen apart


Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time). If you do not have a photo, make sure to look at Adon Kaufman’s blog