tefillah reflection

this quarter I learned about prayers and about music. During class, I hel0p the teachers an helped my classmates with stuff. some times I would get off task, but I had my helpful classmates to get back on task. Even though o did no that much of prayers I had my teachers a d8th grade girls to help me deepen my Jewish   learning in this class.

basket ball unit reflections by coby

What did you exceed in?

I exceed in passing the ball to my teamates. I also exceed in good sports manship  witch made my teacher and my classmates happy and they respected me more, witch is good for me and reputaion.



what do you want to improve in?

what I need to improve  in is shooting because every time I shoot I miss or it bounces off the rim. When i do that my teamates say like come on and you stink. I don’t care that they say that but i would ust like to exceed in that before any thing else.


moving on

i will bracktace more with my dad and friends. During the weekend i have plenty of free time so i can call friends and go to a gym and play.

Classroom Economy – Day 1

  1. Explain the role/job you have been assigned to our Classroom Economy.

I am in a photographer. I take pictures in the classroom so people have pictures to put on my blog posts.you can use my pictures but then you owe me money that’s the way it works. 


  1. What are you most excited/nervous about for our Classroom Economy?

I would be losing all of my money and getting evicted and have to sit on the floor. I’m really scared about that cuz then I couldn’t be able to like a proper person.  what I’m nervous about this classroom economy is Raging at somebody and losing all my money second somebody is just really mean and makes me lose all my money. 


  1. In my mind, poverty is caused by ___________________.


How many are caused by not only losing your house and being fired from your job but also choosing to be poor like When I saw some people who chose to be poor I was like why would they do that. And my mom said oh they just want to get help. I also think poverty is caused by is spending money on illegal drugs and things that are unhealthy. And if they are poor from that. I wouldn’t really consider it their fault I would consider them guilty of their own crime but guilty of falling into the crime. 


sukkah post day 19


Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today. Make sure each photo has a CAPTION.


  1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what would you do differently next time? Explain in at least three sentences why you think that.


Next time my class builds a sukkah we will buy more Tools in wood that we actually need. 

I feel like the amount of plywood was very small and we had a lot of extra boards but we didn’t use it. So next time we go shopping we buy the most essential things for our sukkah


  1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what are you most proud of and why! Explain in at least three sentences.


I am most proud of putting up the walls for our sukkah. It looks beautiful with our walls up play and everything the world on to our sukkah. I have no complaints about our sukkah  I think it looks beautiful and I’m really part of it.


  1. What are three pieces of advice you have for the current 6th graders as it relates to their Sukkah?

My first piece of advice for the sixth graders is don’t sit around get everyone into work and do everything really really fast but efficiently. My second piece of advice for the sixth graders would be by what you actually need to count how many towards we have and then get plywood and nails. How’s our piece of advice is to work together and not one person should be sitting out all the people should be lifting and connecting the walls together and do anything that you guys feel comfortable doing

here is someone making a cactus


here I am sorting nails


sean is painting a board.

sukkah post day 15

Answer prompts completely, using specific examples


This is a blog post about Today!!!!

Title of Post: Sukkah Day 15

Category: Sukkah/Social Studies


Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today. Make sure each photo has a CAPTION.


  1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum of 3 complete sentences


Today I accomplished holding up a wall so Sean and Ari could drill in wooden holders so the wall wouldn’t fall down. I also accomplished today helping people bring over a wall to where we are setting up our sukkah. trust me it was a lot of work and is really heavy carrying the wall’s over.


  1. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum of 3 complete sentences


After all this practice while building a sukkah one thing is that I think I accomplished is working with the big-wheeled saw and not freaking out about using it. The reason I was freaking out while using it is because I always saw the movies where this person was using the song He chopped off his entire hand so I was scared of that. Now that I’ve done it I think I could do it more often and not and I feel like I am going to like Drop it or cut one of my organs or hands off so I feel like I accomplished a lot this entire time.


  1. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today.


 for my first step when I got down to the Makerspace my teacher told me that I had to carry out would so Ari and Sean could drill in to make sure that the walls are sturdy. My next step after that was I was carrying the wood over to the wall and helping people bring up and pull up the wall and make it aligned with the other walls so Sean and Ari could drill in pieces of wood so we can make a temporary holder for our sukkah. and for my last step, I was helping people bring in supplies so we can leave for our next class and I felt like I did really well during my class Helping. 


this wall we put the post so it will stay  up  for a while

here I was helping to keep the wall stable for Brie.


here is Sean and Ari helping to stabilize the wall so it won’t fall over.

blogging challenge

My icon is from the Oregon Trail. The reason why I picked this icon is that I love the game and the history. The reason I put my icon as it is is that I felt like this icon suits me and the Oregon Trail is very interesting to me. I think about my icon I think this is a very good game and it’s very fun to play and die in the game. This brings back good memories and also makes me happy all the time though. but I feel like in the coming years I will find interest in something else and change my icon.

sukkah post day18

Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today. Make sure each photo has a CAPTION.

  1. Explain how the Sukkah represents Judaism to you. If it does not, explain why.

Are there goes sukkah represents Judaism to me by telling me the story of how our ancestors went through the desert and how they lived in the desert It also shows me that building it is also just like our ancestors and I feel great pleasure of building the sukkah of our school. 

  1. What part of the Sukkah building process are you most excited to share with families/friends and why?

My most favorite building process to share with my family and friends would be Just getting all the walls together and clamped up. I feel like that was a very happy moment for our groups is that we got the second stage of the sukkah done and that all we need to get done was to decorate it and put in more carriage bolts. 

  1. What aspect of the building have you felt most connected to and why?

My most connected part of the building would be the wall it was a great honor to build a wall with my group and get the slanted side and I felt like that was more of a challenge than the other walls and it was fun with the group. it was oh so fun would be putting in the plywood sukkah wall.

  1. How has building the Sukkah as a class helped grow your sense of community?

 Agro stunts of community when I is Rick with my classmates to build a wall. Even though sometimes they annoyed me and maybe want to discuss cream I dealt with it and read it through but most of the time they were really helpful and there directing me around tell me what to do and I felt like a part of their Community to because they had someone that had to work with that always didn’t argue and say I didn’t want to do this. I’m starting to realize that having the community is better than just like staying by yourself and working with this spread to other people it’s about like the whole team, not just two people.

  1. When your family comes to the Sukkah on Wednesday night, what is one thing you are going to tell them about and why?

I’m going to tell them to set the Steel Curtain to hook a lot of time and energy and I’m really glad that we’re being able to share this time with our families and friends and this place is for everyone not just for the people who are Jewish for everyone.


here is Dylan drilling in plywood


here is a person clamping in our plywood


This is what livi and brie found for our roof

sukkah post day 17

1. Sukkot represents impermanence (something that should not be permanent). Explain if you believe or disagree that our Sukkah, which is safely standing on its own, is violating that.

I agree with that because you wouldn’t want a sukkah sitting in your backyard or school lawn forever. It will just clog up the lawn.

2. Describe how this Sukkah project has changed your perspective (how has it changed, what has it changed about you, has it changed for the better/worst).

It changes my perspective on my class. I use to think I don’t work well with them in the beginning. but now I like working with my class

3. Explain how you have used your body thus far to build this Sukkah.

I used my arms to lift huge walls and plywood to build our sukkah.

4. How do you plan on getting guests into the Sukkah?
we send out the info to all classes and parents/legal guardians .
5. What are some activities you wish to do in the Sukkah?

To help build the roof and put up the plywood for our sukkah walls


here sean is putting in a nail for the roof


here Shamah is sawing this whiteboard for our wall



here are Brie and live painting their board

sukkah post day 16

This is a blog post about Today!!!!

Title of Post: Sukkah Day 16

Category: Sukkah/Social Studies


Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today. Make sure each photo has a CAPTION.


  1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum of 3 complete sentences


Today I helped put in the window for our sukkah. Then I helped to put on part of the roof And I also put in some screws for the window too. I felt like I accomplished a lot today. But helping my team put in the window and their side. 


  1. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum of 3 complete sentences


My first worries were doing the really big saws to cut the wood and the first couple of blog posts. But now that I’ve built a lot of the sukkah.I’m not really getting that scared I’m realizing there’s no danger we got it all figured out.


  1. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today


The First Step would be planning Out The Sukkah. After that going to Lowe’s and Restore. Then starting to build and then a lot of days of building. After a lot of days of the building, we would bring all the walls to where we picked to put up our sukkah. After two classes of that, we put in the window.


here I am helping my group with wood fetching


here I am carrying a  ladder.


I am being really helpful and holding wood so it can be drilled.