sukkah post day 13

 Answer prompts completely, using specific examples


This is a blog post about Friday!!!!

Title of Post: Sukkah Day 13

Category: Sukkah/Social Studies


Include AT LEAST 2 photos from Friday


  1. Today, we worked on __ Nailing the rest of our studs into our wall.___________ and it felt ______Exciting________ to do this because ___ Now we can move forward to where  we picked.________________.


  1. An example of when I worked well with a classmate was ___When I was helping  nail in other people’s . studs__________________.


  1. I have _ my window and one studs._____ left on my Sukkah wall. I am feeling ______ 4 more classes_______ about the amount of work left.

Yosef and Asher are helping to put in the studs.

Ari and Oren are helping there group by putting in studs.

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