sukkah day 12

  1. Include AT LEAST 5 photos from today


  1. Each photo should have the following:
  2. description of what you are doing
  3. description of why you are doing it
  4. explanation as to how you worked with others to get this thing done

Here’s a picture of a group nailing and drilling in studs for a slanted wall of our sukkah. The reason why the group is kneeling in these studs Is so our wall will stand and not fall over. I believe this group is working well together Because they are not fighting they’re focusing on what needs to be done.

 This group is nailing in the studs for our Doorway to our sukkah. The reason they are putting in the studs for our door is that without this door frame the wood would collapse and destroy our door which would be sad.  I think this group is working well together is because I see them communicating with each other and asking if things are right in if things should be changed in a certain order. 

This group here is speed squaring they’re studs to make sure that the studs are equal with the top and bottom Wood pieces. the reason why they’re doing this is that if the lines aren’t equal the nails will come out of the wood and we’ll use up a lot of supplies. I believe this group is working well together is because I see them all working together and not one of the people are sitting out there all communicating and conjugating while they’re working and getting things done.

This other group here is Drilling in screw so the studs could be more stable so they don’t crack and fall apart and make the sukkah Wall fall in. The reason that the are doing this is that if they don’t have strong studs they can’t put in walls that they need to and the sukkah would collapse. I feel like this group is working together is because I see a person Drilling in a screw and helping out with the group and it’s not just one person doing it it’s multiple.

This group is putting in the studs for the door frame so our sukkah Wouldn’t look bad. the reason they’re putting in the studs for our sukkah is that it wouldn’t hold the Jewish laws to the sukkah. I feel like this group is working together because I see two other people working with this group from another group and that shows that other people are willing to help a group in distress so they can get things done and not just sit around  doing nothing

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