sukkah post day 15

Answer prompts completely, using specific examples


This is a blog post about Today!!!!

Title of Post: Sukkah Day 15

Category: Sukkah/Social Studies


Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today. Make sure each photo has a CAPTION.


  1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum of 3 complete sentences


Today I accomplished holding up a wall so Sean and Ari could drill in wooden holders so the wall wouldn’t fall down. I also accomplished today helping people bring over a wall to where we are setting up our sukkah. trust me it was a lot of work and is really heavy carrying the wall’s over.


  1. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum of 3 complete sentences


After all this practice while building a sukkah one thing is that I think I accomplished is working with the big-wheeled saw and not freaking out about using it. The reason I was freaking out while using it is because I always saw the movies where this person was using the song He chopped off his entire hand so I was scared of that. Now that I’ve done it I think I could do it more often and not and I feel like I am going to like Drop it or cut one of my organs or hands off so I feel like I accomplished a lot this entire time.


  1. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today.


 for my first step when I got down to the Makerspace my teacher told me that I had to carry out would so Ari and Sean could drill in to make sure that the walls are sturdy. My next step after that was I was carrying the wood over to the wall and helping people bring up and pull up the wall and make it aligned with the other walls so Sean and Ari could drill in pieces of wood so we can make a temporary holder for our sukkah. and for my last step, I was helping people bring in supplies so we can leave for our next class and I felt like I did really well during my class Helping. 


this wall we put the post so it will stay  up  for a while

here I was helping to keep the wall stable for Brie.


here is Sean and Ari helping to stabilize the wall so it won’t fall over.

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