Testing our Rapunzel Creations

What materials did you choose for your build and why?

My group chose paper. At first, we tried 3D printing but the machine broke so we chose paper.


While you test:


What are you noticing?

I am noticing that our structure needs help standing up. It really isn’t working so we need to improve it.

What things are working?

The structure is ok but it needs to be improved a lot. It also needs a sturdy base

What things are not working?

The tower isn’t standing on its own and the “rope” isn’t working.

How will you tweak this? Make this better? (Be specific and detailed!)

I think my group will try to find better materials for a structure and try to improve the “rope”. 

Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY?

My group does need new materials because the paper isn’t working.

Sketch your new design with labels on a piece of paper. Make sure your drawing is detailed and specifically labeled.

Insert your sketch here:

Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence?

I think it will because it has a better structure and base for support so it should work.

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