Podcast Review

Title and hosts: Linsey and Marshall

Genre: Science

Summary of the Podcast’s Focus: We don’t actually need sleep

Summary of your episode: It talks about the science of sleep and talks about how they have a camp for kids where they collect data and put weird headgear on them to figure out how tired they are.

Assessment of Credibility: I think it’s credible because it was put on the list of recommended podcasts.

Why you like or don’t like it with evidence: I do not like it because it is really boring to me. I found the topics uninteresting.

Who you would recommend the podcast to: People who really love science and things that involve science.





Any details about the experience of listening to something and if you did or did not like it and why: I’d already listened to several podcasts and am still a regular follower of many so this was not the first time for me. Since I’ve continued to listen to podcasts you can assume I enjoy it.

Final rating out of 5 with 5 being the best: 2

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