Monday Tefilah Reflection

Which tefilah elective have you been in?

Prayer Art

Describe what you have been doing in your elective.

I have been attempting to make a wood hotel(mini model).

What has been the best or most meaningful part of this elective?

Choosing mi sheibarach as a prayer to model.

What is one thing you have learned in your tefilah elective?

That there is more to a prayer than you see at the surface.

What is one thing you would change or improve about your elective?

I would give it more time.

What (related to your tefilah elective) do you still wonder about?

I don’t wonder about anything.

If there is anything else you want to share about your elective, please add it.


2 thoughts on “Monday Tefilah Reflection

  1. I am intrigued by your comment, “there is more to a prayer than you see at the surface.” Can you explain what you mean by that?
    I know that you didn’t get to do as much woodworking as you wanted to in this elective, so I hope that you have the chance in the future, and that you get to really build that (mini) hospital!

    • By that quote, I meant how when you say a prayer you think you know what it means even if you don’t actually understand the words. But when you really look closely you see that is not true.

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