Scavenger Hunt Reflection

  • What did you like about the Chanukah activity with kindergarten? It was  fun doing a scavenger hunt instead of just telling them facts
  • What would you do differently if we did it again? Make sure the kindergarten understand more of the questions.
  • How did you feel as a leader during the activity? Good.
  • How would you lead your group the same if we did this activity again?  How would you lead differently?I would lead the same because I made sure everyone could answer the questions  

What do you think the kindergarteners learned from this activity? Which way you light the candles and why we play dreidel.

Book Club Project

I read Sarah Plan and Tall for book club. I enjoyed book club because we got to choose our book and project. We got to work with other people. My project went well. We made a movie/ commercial. It did not take us long to pick are characters and it did not take us long to write our script. What I would do different?  I would  is give them more information about the story in the script.



my gols

Goal for math: In math, I am going to work on making  sure my answers are correct, I will  do this by double checking my work and using  inverse operations.

Goal for writing : is to make sure my story flows and makes sense. I will do this by having other people read my book and listening to feedback.

Goal for reading :  making connections. I am go to work on writing my connections in my reader’s response notebook.

Goal for social studies: when we  start social studies, I want to share all of my background knowledge by answering questions.





















What we learned at RDC is to have team work, everyone  needs to have a voice.  You should really listen to everyone and follow the directions and you can have more fun. We played this game to help us understand  team work in that way. The game was to complete 4 puzzles.   We did not win because each team need to we  complete a puzzle and some people got too competitive.  We forgot that we needed to complete all four puzzles so no one really won.  I will try to make sure everyone is working together and listening to each other. Being competitive is not the most important  thing its more important to have empathy for each other.


math project

My assigned math project is planing a vacation. For our trip we have a budget of $4,000. We are keeping all of our planning and information on google drive.  We found where we are going and we are bring Gev.Denny in a 2018 Toyota Camry.  We are going Detroit.  It takes 5 hours and 55 min to 6 hours and 32 min to get to Detroit from Milwaukee.  Me and JOdesky  are figuring out the gas prices and Grkyah is researching the hotels.

book club

In book club book I`m reading  Sarah Plain and Tall. It is an awesome book because  it has a lot of emotions and it is exciting.  The kids are interested to see if they get a new mom because their mom died.  She died when Caleb was born. Sarah brought a present for the kids when she met them. The present was from the ocean because they don’t live near one.  I have a connections to the book because I have a dog to and I don`t live by the ocean!  I am excited to finish the book!



last post in 3th

The best part of 3th grad was MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked every thing in math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    The most challenging thing was spelling. I got through it by typing. I have grown as a learner this year in writing. I have grown as a writer on my spelling. I have worked with Gev. Voras and Fox on my spelling. I`M SO excited for 4th grade because I get a new amazing teacher.