Musical Tiffla

In tiffla we are takeing keva (keva means turdishinle) prars from the Amidah and turn the prar in to a kovana (kovana means new) prar. Me and Elippman23 tuck the pray for koowledge and add the tune from hart and sole a corter way throw we relisd it was not working so we tuck the tune of hart and sole and change are prar to the furst one which is Ancestors. I would want to do this agin now that I have back round Knowledge.

How to Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators

so I’m going to teach you about add fractions with unlike denominators. I’m going to tell you a ways to answer the word problem  and show you a video I made to help you under stand it more.

I ran 5/6 of a mile last weekend. This weekend I ran 7/18 of a mile. How much did I run in all?

one way to to this is by finding a common denominator to do that we need to find a number that is the same so for six you would have 6, 12,18,24… and for 18 it would be 18 and then we would stop because you see that 18 is in the six colum so you know that you don’t need to multiply the 7/18 but you do know that you need to multiply 5 and 6 by 3 because you always multiply  denominator and numerator by the same number so you know that 5×3=15 and 6×3=18 so you know that your new equation is 15/18 +7/18 and the denominator  always stays the same so you gust add the numerator and 15+7 =22 but that is more then 18 so you have to make it a mixed number so  take 22 and dived it by 18 which = 1 and 4 remainder  so you take the 4 and put it as the  numerator and the 1 as the hole so the answer is 1 4/18 and that is how you  Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators.

High Holiday Reflection

I pick Jonah and the big fish because I really liked this story and I new I had some bake round in fashion  to the projected. I learned that lots of people have different perspectives on the book and how it happened. I fond the information vary in joying to learn more  about because now I now a lot more about this topic and what happened. My project helped me to now more about yom kipper and forgiveness.  Here is my project


summer reading

Image result for invisible izzy

Izzy wanted to study  for a test. But her mom needed someone to fill in for someone in the talent show so she said OK but she was relay nerves about the part. Then she took a deep breath  and did it I she was vary proud of her self.




I chose this because I fell it suits my characters story and writing a script sownded exciting

High Holiday Project Brainstorm

I now that G-d gave Yona  a task and he did not want to do it so he tried to run a way  but it did not work and it start to rain and he was on a boat and he new it was his fault so he whit over bored and got ate in by a wale and he pared and pared  and then the whale spit him out on shore and he new why god chose him so he did the task.

Way did god chose Yona?

Way did he get eaten by a whale?

Why did Yona run a why?

Why did he get a secant chances?

Why is he named Yona?

Why did Yona go over bored?

Why did the people dislike him?

Why did he change his mind?

Why did g-d crust him?

Why did g-d chose ha whale?

the book




how I feel my student lead conference went.

I feel rely good about my student led conference. I feel that I’m doing a lot of things different after my student  lead conference like working different by slowing down. No I feel that I said every thing I need to say.  In my opinion I don’t really like saying every thing to my parents because at home I’m not a big talker when it comes to my parents.

Did I follow my study plan

I feel I followed my study plan. But I also feel that I was not paying attention to any other thing that I should have payed more attention to.  For example, I needed to also focus on not just word problems but the other types of problems.  I could have looked at my study guide and the different types of questions. What I’m going to do next time is I’m going to pay attention to every hing not just the things I worked on in my study plan. I also feel good about my test even  though I did not get everything correct. I feel this because I know next time what to focus on.

study plan

I think for my study plan I need to slow down and read the problem step by step. The way I’m going to this is I’m going to practice word problem and reading them slowly.  This will help me understand the problem and get the correct answer.