Sukkah day 19


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Sukkah Project, Uncategorized | Posted on October 18, 2019

Include AT LEAST 3 photos from Today. Make sure each photo has a CAPTION.

We need a certain drill bit for the 5-inch screws and this is us searching for it.

Some groups in the maker space made decorations this is one of the decorations that we made it ended up having a fake cactus on it.

One of our classmates painted a welcoming kind of sign because he had the forn wall it ended up saying Empathy, Wonder and Tikkun Olam.

1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what would you do differently next time. Explain in at least three sentences why you think that.

I would definitely be more careful with how much money I’m spending because I know that my wall group ended up not having nearly enough plywood. Most of the walls did not end up getting completely covered. I think that a bigger budget would help.

2. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what are you most proud of and why! Explain in at least three sentences.

I am very proud of my wall. Actually, I’m kind of proud of it. The frame is looking amazing but the plywood looks like crap.

3. What are three pieces of advice you have for the current 6th graders as it relates to their Sukkah


Get enough plywood

use your money wisely

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