Sukkah wall construction (day 6)


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 18, 2019

1. You spent time reflecting on past blog posts (looking at your strengths and weaknesses).
Describe the value, using a specific example from your blog post, of looking back and reflecting on our work

The value of this day was that we were able to fix all of our blog posts and revise them. I know for myself looking at my previous blog posts they were well, to be honest kind of crappy but after that day you will notice my detail became much MUCH better.

2. We started to build our walls. What would you have done differently during the process and WHY? Explain what you did and how your fix would have made it better

I think my group could have probably gotten along a little better… I think we ended up ignoring each other a little bit and it ended up being a pretty hot mess… I think we probably should have been a little calmer because I remember being very heated at asher.

Include at least 1 photo from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time). If you do not have a photo, make sure to look at Adon Kaufman’s blog

this is me and one of my group mates this was after I organized the nuts and bolts. I felt pretty useless right then…

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