Testing our Rapunzel challenge


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in ETC | Posted on January 7, 2019

What materials did you choose for your build and why?

Cardboard, metal bowl and model magic. We used these to build the tower the moat and Rapunzel. Using these we were able to create the correct scene of too much rain.

Here is a picture of my plan:

Here is a picture of my first attempt at the building process:

While you test:


What are you noticing?

I noticed that it is working how we planned it to. The plan was simple and easy. I think that we could have done maybe harder?

What things are working?

Everything is working perfectly.

What things are not working?

Nothing is not working it’s all going extremely well

How will you tweak this? Make this better? (Be specific and detailed!)

We will keep the pool idea but we are going to add a working zip line to take her down into the water. we will use a tiny catapult at the beginning to launch her forward into the zip line.

Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY?

We will need a rope and some more cardboard. using these we can create the zip line and the zipline cart.

Sketch your new design with labels on a piece of paper. Make sure your drawing is detailed and specifically labeled.

Insert your sketch here:

Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence?

She will not break her head open because it’s a safe way down.

Comments (1)

Dylan, please make sure you are specific in your posts. What are the details? I can not tell what is going on with your project based on this post. Please edit it!

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