Where Do Living Things Get the Food They Need Lab


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Science | Posted on October 10, 2018

Today in science we tested a bean seed and a potato for starch to answer the question, “Do plants contain the food that organisms need?” Below, is my scientific explanation that explains what we learned and discovered from our lab today.

Image of the lab:


There is starch in potatoes!

Today we tested Iodine on different things to test them for starch. The only one that turned black was the potato, therefore, has starch


I know that a potato is a food that organisms need because when we tested Iodine on the potato it turned black saying that it has iodine

Comments (1)

Nice job! Check your reasoning again. Rather than saying that “when we tested Iodine on the potato it turned black saying that it has iodine” what did it mean when it turned black? What did the iodine prove?

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