Rube Goldberg 2-28-18


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 28, 2018

Today’s goal: By the end of class today my group will have designed the last step of our Rube Goldberg.


What went well  today?

The whole thing went well today! Everyone came up with amazing ideas! One of which was by me but Mostly from my other group members!

What was challenging?

It was challenging to find the correct materials needed and it was challenging figuring out what we were going to do for our end! But other than that… I had a lot of fun today! =)

What steps went into deciding  your final design?

The steps were simple: Draw out, Plan, Get checked, Get materials and then BUILD!

How many attempts did you try before finding success? If you did not find success, what do you think you need to try on Monday?

It took just about four attempts before we got something cool working but my Hypothesis was way worse and we did a lot better than my hypothesis.

What are the next steps for your group?

The next steps for my group is better materials (such as Dominoes) and More time!

Are there any additional materials your group needs to gather?

Yes. A LOT! One of which is real dominoes.

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