Prey and Predator Bloxel game – Cuphead Vs. Goopy Le Grande


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 15, 2018

Prior Knowledge

Ygaines and I both decided to group up for a bloxels video game. I started playing bloxels last year in 2017 and I haven’t played a lot since then. Ygaines and I started messing around with the blocks and came up with the idea of having a cuphead game. We got our blocks and then I started to work but stopped instantly so we could think about the project more. At first we thought, Grim matchstick (a dragon) would be our predator but the we thought something easier and went for Goopy (a slime).


Ygaines and I got our blocks and started planning. I made the cuphead head and ygaines helped me to see how it looked. We both took time to think about which boss we should do and came up with goopy le grand.

to be continued 1/17/18

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