Index Card Challenge


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 15, 2018

Initial Experience




Group Members

Chat captain:

Materials manager:

Time Keeper:



100 index cards

1 meter of Masking tape




We started by grabbing some scratch paper and messing around with our ideas. First I came up with two giant squares and put the heavy thing in the middle. Then EKing came up with “A weird plan that didn’t make sense” Then once again I came up with another idea but we would fold papers a lot and tape and attach them into a table like thing. In this process OGoldenberg was staying off task and was coming up with things that were pretty annoying about kylo ren who is from starwars.

Here are some pictures of the plans

Midway Reflection

so far this tower is very very unstable. It’s starting to lean so it will probably fall right off the table. But I think maybe just maybe if it happens to be maybe we can have hope that whatever the thing is maybe it will stand on the tower.


2nd Attempt

To be continued

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