How to help close the hunger gap

1. Explain what the four factors of poverty are and how they impact one’s life.

It can shorten your life span and cause trama and anxiety which can pop up later in life to make your life harder. It can also make you depressed in your later years because of the trama.

2. Explain how the cycle of poverty works.

You are born into a poor family then you can’t get a good education so you can’t get a good job, so then you can’t get a lot of money so then you have a child and then it restarts.

3. How do we help people get healthy food cheaply (make sure your answer is realistic)?

We can dedicate some more money to getting food and money to people that are in poverty instead of giving that money to other things. Like maybe give a little less to the military or something like that.

What government policy suggestions do you have?

Try to put money to the things that matter more like the health and schooling of Americans other than unneeded things.

What changes can you/we make to help?

We can raise money and give back to homeless people. Maybe we can have a fundraiser and raise some money by selling cookies or something like that, we can volunteer at places that help people in need too.

2 thoughts on “How to help close the hunger gap

  1. Please revisit your answer to question 1 (focusing on the 4 factors we identified). Also, add to our last question; it is not entirely clear what you are saying.

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