Sukkah Organization (Day 5)

1. Describe the restorative circle process (when we wrote on our note cards and shared). Include: how you felt writing your notecard, how you felt sharing your notecard, how you felt if/when someone shared a notecard with you

It made me feel better that I was apologizing for the things I did/said on Wednesday because I felt bad about those things and I wanted to apologize. It also felt good receiving letters from people that were maybe not nice to me or irritating at that moment. It felt good because they realized that they did something wrong and they’re apologizing for that. I also wrote a letter to the entire class just in case I missed somebody with the individual apologies, I just apologized about if I was irritating or bossing around (which I was).

2. Describe how much easier/harder it was to bring the wood in when we were all working together. Include: how did it feel to work together, how were you communicating, how quickly things got done when we worked together

Here a friend and I are organizing the wood into 2x4x8’s 2x4x10’s 2x4x12’s and 2x4x16’s

It was a lot easier because people understood that it would be easier to have help to bring to wood than to have only them bringing it alone. This was good because now there are a couple fewer dents in the door frame then there could have been. It felt like a machine to work together like we just knew what to do and when to do it. We communicated pretty well people would yell help and someone would come to their help. Things got done fairly quickly because like I said before we worked like a machine.

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