Explorers Reflection

What about this project went well for you? Explain.

Making the presentation was not that hard, because all I had to do was put my research into slides, and put it into complete sentences.

What about this project did not go well for you? Explain.

The research was really hard. I would always reach dead ends and couldn’t find all of the information that I needed.

How can you create a better project next time?

I think If I did something other than slides it would have been better, or I could’ve practiced it more

How did you think the planning process went? Were you able to find all the information you needed?

Yes I think I got enough.

What could Adon Kaufman and Gev. Noorlander do differently next time?

I think this should have been a choice to be a group project.

What impact did explorers make?

If nobody explored than Basically everyone would have lived in wherever the first human lived, because there would be no point in exploring.

One thought on “Explorers Reflection

  1. Ari, thank you for your feedback! Remember to be detailed in your responses. How can you provide more detail in your blogs?

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