Why are Midterm Elections Important?

What do Midterm Elections decide in the government?

The midterm elections decide who is in Congress and in the Senate. it also decides what party is dominating in either: republican or democratic.

How are citizens impacted by Midterm Elections?

people can have more rights, or they can have them taken away. this can cause protests and by protests I mean large protests. people can get very angry if they don’t have the rights they want.

What can citizens do to get people they want elected?

They can put signs on their lawns that say “vote for insert name here”. they can also talk to their friends to try to convince them to vote for whoever.

Why do Midterm Elections exist?

So Congress and the Senate don’t always have the same people and so that not only republican dominates, or not only democratic dominates.

Why is it important for different groups of people to run for government positions?

So there is more diversity and not everything stays the same and so for at least 2 years, some people are happy. then the next 2 years some other people may be happy.

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