Elements of Plot

What book are you currently reading?

Catching Fire


Why did you choose this book?

Because it is the second in a series that I’m reading.


Thinking about your book, Who are the main characters?

Peeta, Gale, and Katniss,


What was the inciting incident, or the moment that takes place that creates the story?

The president will kill the main character’s family if she doesn’t do what he says.


What smaller problems happened in the book?

The president will kill the main character’s family if she doesn’t do what he says.


Have you reached the climax of your book? What was the big moment of tension?



Have you reached the resolution? If yes, is it what you thought would happen? If not, how do you think the problem will be resolved?

I think they are going to escape into the woods


What type of conflict has occurred in your book?

Character vs character.

Katniss vs President Snow

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