chicken mummification day 3

Date: 12/18/17


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain:M

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:G

Picture Taker:H

Procedure Police/Reflector: A


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. We put newspaper all over the table.
  2. Then we took the chicken from where it was sitting and drying
  3. And took the old mixture out of the chicken and put the  chicken into the new tin. (Again not for outside whatsoever)
  4. Then we started making the new mixture. We didn’t have cinnamon so we used rosemary as the sent, in the mixture. 2 pounds of baking soda 2 pounds of salt and a pinch  of rosemary and a pinch of thyme
  5. Then we put the mixture inside the chicken, around the chicken, under the chicken and on top of the chicken.


Photos (insert them into this doc)—> must include at least 5 photos.


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken

Sight: yellow red orange and white, Shriveled up skin like an old man/lady

Touch: chicken= Tender and dry. powder =fluffy clay it feels more wet.

Smell: it smells way worse than last time. It is like taking a dead animal letting it sit for a year than covering it in mud and letting it sit for another year


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Thursday? It will get a lot smaller and even more dry and tender



2 thoughts on “chicken mummification day 3

  1. It was really descriptive in the touch, sight and smell part but you guys could be a little more descriptive in the procedure part.

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