If I were on SNAPS…

1. What is SNAPS?  SNAP is a federal program that gives people money to get food so that they can feed their families.

2. What is the average monthly benefit for someone on SNAPS?  A person on SNAP gets $256 from the program monthly. They have about $1.40 to spend on meals.

3. On average, I spend $193.5 on food per week.

4. My life would be different if I were on SNAPS because… I wouldn’t have enough money to get the food I eat and that would really affect my lifestyle and my choices. I would have to change everything that I eat and that would be a big change for me.

How to Help Close the Hunger Gap

1. Explain what the four factors of poverty are and how they impact one’s life.

The four factors of poverty are the main reasons that poverty and the cycle of poverty exist. They range from having a poor education to not having parents. The four factors are Health, education, family/house, and geography. They affect a person because it leads to a vicious cycle that most people can’t stop. It renders a lot of pf people useless and there’s not much that can stop it.

2. Explain how the cycle of poverty works.

First, you are born, go to a school that you don’t take seriously, and drop out. Or, you just weren’t lucky enough to get a good education and never got yourself off the ground. Then, once your older you get pregnant by a random person or impregnate a person. After that, the kid you brought into the world does the exact same thing you did, causing everyone to make the same mistakes that you did. They also might not have a good school or a very low-income household. Your parents might not be able to afford a proper school so you have to rely on a bad education.

3. How do we help people get healthy food cheaply (make sure your answer is realistic)?

As the previous eighth-graders proposed we could start a community garden. We could set up gardens in the city that we can come to after school or an arranged time during school to water the plants. Then we have a big sale, selling the produce we made for about ten cents to a dollar.

What government policy suggestions do you have?

I think the government should make a policy that produces shouldn’t exceed a certain price and if it does then the Government would find them a lot of money.

What changes can you/we make to help? We could decrease the cost of healthy food choices. Since the farmers are being hurt by this we could give them a bonus if they surpass a certain number of sales.

Defend your answer. Since the cost of veggies is so high and these low-income families have so little money to spend on food they can’t get healthy food choices causing them to be groggy, fat, lazy, and just not productive so if we decrease the cost then the overall population should work more efficiently and be productive.

Jewish Studies Exp. Exodus

What is one thing you are excited to plan for experiential exodus? I am excited to create the ten plagues.

What is Challenging as you work on this project? I think the most challenging thing so far is generating ideas for the plagues and confirming them.

What is your favorite part of the exodus story and why?   I like the part of the plagues because I think they are very interesting and the fact that God can create those plagues is fascinating.

Social Studies Assesment



  • As someone in this experience, tell your story.  Describe your experience. Tell us about the highs and the lows.  What were your major takeaways? What did you learn? How did you like it?  Be sure to explain your answers.   


  • I was a sanitation engineer. I was in charge of keeping the classroom spic and span.        I had a lot of bumps. I had hypertension and diabetes which made it really difficult to pay for the medication. The fact that my job only gave me 210 dollars didn’t help my situation.  A high was that my job was very interactive, unlike other people’s jobs. I actually had to do something. A major takeaway would be that life isn’t fair. There are a lot of things that can go wrong, and they do go wrong all the time. You have to learn off the bumps so you can avoid them later.             



  • How did your character’s role/situation in the game affect your ability to take care of yourself? Think about your income, job, rent, the amount of money you had, any loans you took out, and your health situation. It made it very difficult. I didn’t make a lot of money and because I didn’t make money I gave myself hypertension because I wanted a raise so badly. I really wanted to get past college but the GED test had an extremely low success rate. Also, I had a lot of fines which made it very hard to care for myself.




  • What aspects of your character’s life encouraged success?  What aspects of your character’s life brought about failure?  Explain how that process worked. 


 I thought of it like this. I need money to pay bills. How do I get the money? By working and being noticed for my hard work getting a raise and then making a lot of money to spend on rent and other bills. A lot of stuff made my character stink. One, I didn’t have a good education. Which to be honest we didn’t touch on that very much. Two, I made the third-lowest amount in the class.



  • What attempts did you make to improve your character’s life?  How successful were these attempts? How difficult were those attempts and why? 


    1. I tried asking for a raise and I applied for a few jobs but I wasn’t as worried as I should have been because our teacher likes to throw a lot of curveballs. They weren’t very difficult but I had trouble thinking ahead.  



  • In bullet points, write a list of what you learned about poverty from this activity.  Be sure to include a brief description next to each item about what you learned, explaining your learning/thinking. 



  • The poverty line, we learned what the poverty line is. 
  • Income vs. Rent meaning we learned that the government takes a large portion of your money+rent so you have less money.
  • Poverty in Israel. We had an activity that showed us what poverty in Israel was like. 
  • Eviction and bills. We learned about being evicted via the book Evicted and we learned about water bills electrical bills and other bills. 
  • Diseases. We learned how and why you get diseases like diabetes.
  • Different eviction methods. We learned about ways to be evicted like curb or storage and how curb is the usual option

Unfairness. We learned that our world is very unfair. For example, in the book Evicted a person got evicted because some guy broke down her door.

Spool Racer No. 2

1. Given the challenge and the performance of your car on Test Drive #1, what change(s) will you make for Test Drive #2? We changed or the whole design. We extended our crossing bar to make room for a bigger and more stretchy rubber band.
2. What differences did you predict these changes would make in your car’s performance? What makes you think this? We knew it was going to go way further than the first iteration because in our first iteration we had no clue what we were doing and how the spools affected the movement of the racer.
3. Think about the variables such as the size of the spool, weight of the washer or tension of the rubber band. How might these affect how far or how fast your car will go? the weight would affect the racer greatly. If our racer was heavier it might have gone a little further or back.  Depending on the elastic energy we would have gone further say if we had a stretchier rubber band.
4. What worked better the second time?  The stretchiness of the rubber band really helped. It also helped to have an actual plan, not a dream that isn’t going to happen. On top of that, this time we were taking the whole project more seriously.
5. What still is not quite working? Nothing doesn’t work, it just doesn’t go as far as we would like it to go.
6. What questions do I have? None.
7. What might I try next? I would extend our rubber bands by connecting more to a rubber band for maximum elastic energy.
8. Explain the energy transfer that is taking place in the racer. The elastic energy is converting into kinetic energy.


Jewish Studies Project

How does God affect our prayers? I will be using the Amidah to prove my points. In the siddur, there are prayers that involve god and others that don’t require a god. In a lot of prayers, God gives us specific things. But there are ways to get that thing anyway. For example, in the Amidah, there’s a blessing that gives us knowledge, but we can get knowledge either through people, school, books, etc.


 God only helps us when we truly need help. Let’s say we were back in Egypt for hundreds of years, we wouldn’t know what to do after we get free. God will help us with the necessities but he takes a passive role after a certain point. Think about your teachers when you were little you’re teachers helped you with things like wiping after using the bathroom. They taught you to use a pencil and taught you manners. God is kind of like a teacher when you grow up, they take a passive role in ur learning until we truly need the help to grow and understand how to live. All these small things that your teachers do God does in a different way. 


At first, I thought that God is always active and we are constantly using his help but now I think differently. I think that God takes a passive role in our lives, he still listens to prayers and our pain and sorrow but he doesn’t react because he doesn’t feel he needs to. He lets us learn and grow as MJDS does with our learning. They leave most of it to us and then watch from the sidelines. Since we have evolved God has taken the more passive approach instead of the super active I need to talk to the Jewish people about so and so and this event. We don’t need the helping hand we are the teenagers of Judaism. We have grown past the time where we needed God’s guidance constantly. There are multiple times in history where we were told what to do. But while being teenagers of the Jewish people(meaning that the people in the Torah were the children and now we grew up to teenagers where we break off from god.) everything can be great it can also be terrible. For example without God’s guidance, there are obviously going to be little bumps in the road. One of these bumps was in the Jews’ homeland. Where a jew Killed another Jew. But God didn’t come out because we were going to learn from the experience. 


So, I will leave you with this. Do you think that God is constantly active or do you think he takes a passive approach? Personally, I think that he is active when he needs to be. 


Teachers think about small things. Things that are not good for your pencil.  God can be active but in different ways than a long time ago. God gives help when really need it. God only gives things that you need in time.


In Tefillah, I joined the musical Tefillah group. I regretted this choice but I had to stick through it. We learned most about Kevah and Kavanah. Kevah meant structure which I am a big fan of. Kavanah means meaning, I thought I lacked in this department. I want to work on this. I need meaning in life and I think that I improved a little bit. Keva I also worked on since this class had us working alone we had to make our own structure. We had to make our own tune to a prayer. I worked with 3 friends on this project. It was very awkward making a tune. It felt like nothing worked until a group member went on the keyboard and then it clicked.

SBC #8

a. How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in? I think I participated in most of them. I think I missed two though. I missed 5 and 1 but I did them late.
b. How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors? I got 8 comments so far.
c. Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why? I don’t really have a favorite. But I really enjoyed SBC #6. I just enjoyed the concept so the writing was easy to do.
d. Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog? I used Pixabay. that is it. I really didn’t use many tools.

. What did you learn about yourself during this challenge? I learned I am not the best at instructions. Sometimes, I forget to do the SBC altogether. I also forget that there is a form to fill out.


This is the signature food of Rosh Hashanna, apples and honey. I personally don’t enjoy apples and honey but I make an exception for the holidays. apples and honey for me are like eating bugs. They are disgusting but you put up with it just because you have to.