Hannukah Blog Post

We were supposed to make a Hannukah card for math. This was no ordinary Hannukah card that you write thought. We had to code it on a website called Scratch. The scratch programming really confusing and I didn’t really get it. I am not a pro at scratch but not a noob a am a beginner but a good beginner.  The challenging part was coding all the letters. The easy part was to make all the costumes. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/268496849/.   There are no instructions just click adobe flash player and your set.

Build Blog

What about the building process was challenging?

People criticized my work a lot.

How did your build differ from your plan? (If your build was different than your plan, update your plan!)

Instead of using wood for a tower and clay for the body we did it the same.

How did your group work well together during the build? What would you do again?

We all did something. Nothing.

How did your group struggle during the build? What would you change?

People criticized my work a lot. I would make the tower more sturdy and tall.

Rapunzel Planning Reflection

How did spending more time on planning to improve your final blueprint?

Because we can work out the kinks of the planning phase.

How did your group come to one final plan after brainstorming several ideas?

We thought about which one would be the most fun to do and we chose our decision off of that.

Why do you think taking more time to plan was important?

So we can plan better.

Did brainstorming with multiple people help you come up with more ideas? How? 

Yes. We took a turn sharing our ideas.

What would you differently during the planning process next time?

I would try to be more focused and serious.

Dissection Reflection

  • What is the value of dissecting?

It’s important because if we didn’t dissect then 1. populations will have more than it needs messing up the rhythm 2. so we can get accurate descriptions.

  • How did the dissection help you understand what is happening between the sea lamprey and the trout?

It got me thinking about how the sea lamprey actually affects other animals.

  • How did you feel about dissection? If you enjoyed the process, why did you enjoy it? If you did not enjoy it, what was difficult about it?

I liked the second part because I knew what was coming after the first. Because we got to look inside the lamprey and got to cut it ourselves. Actually cutting the animal because of the sound it makes.