About Me

What is your first name?


What is your approximate location?

United States of America.

What is your age/grade?

Im 13 years old and Im in 7th grade currently.

What activity you like doing most on Sunday morning?

Sleeping in/ relaxing/ being with family and friends.

What super power you would like to have? Why?

I honestly dont really want a super power. This is because I feel that life might get boring that way after awhile. This is because I like when life is more of a surprise, and you have to learn how to deal with whatever gets “thrown at you” and if you have a super power, I feel that it can be harder to do that, which I dont want.

Would rather be a wizard or a super hero?

Neither because of what I said above.

What is your favorite song right now? Why?

Brand New by Ben Rector. This is because this song to me is a happy uplifting song and those are the kind of songs I like to listen to.

What are three fun facts about myself?

I lOVE ice cream! I like to play sports! I also like to do theatere!

What is my blog all about ?

Its all about my learning journey at school. This means sharing experiences with the world about experiences at school that are unique to me and my learning journey as a student.