Chicken Mummification Day 4

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: slevitas-goren

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: sgray

Picture Taker: mkranitz

Procedure Police/Reflector: eshamah


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. We spread newspaper all over the table
  2. We removed the remaining salt from the chicken
  3. We got our first fly!
  4. We mixed 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of salt
  5. We patted the mixture all over the chicken



Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken..How has the size changed? Color? feel?

Sight: It was getting darker. Getting to a darker gold.

Touch: Like a soft rock

Smell: Normal


How much change do you think will occur over break?

Probably get a little darker and a little harder.


Day 7 Mold

Today is the breakthrough. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Our suffocating bread has started to grow some mold! It’s really not much. Just a little spot on the edge of the bread but, hey, everything’s gotta start somewhere, right? We only get to see it one more time before winter break so we’re missing the main part of the process but whatever. Also, at the beginning of the project I predicted how long it would take for my bread to start growing some mold. I predicted day 7. The mold started on day 7.

Day 5 Mold

This is the picture of our bread after 5 days of mold. Still not much has changed over the weekend. When you look at it real closely it almost seems like it’s shedding. Other than that, the mold is still the same.

Chicken Mummification Day 3

Date: 12/18/17


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: Eshamah

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: Mkranitz

Picture Taker: Slevitasgoren

Procedure Police/Reflector: Sgray


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. We put the newspaper on to the table to keep the table clean.
  2. We cleaned the chicken of the baking soda and salt mixture.
  3. We put on our gloves to keep our hands clean.
  4. We cleaned out the tub that had the chicken in it so we could put the new mixture on
  5. We made the new mixture by mixing salt and baking soda together.
  6. We put the mixture all over the chicken
  7. We let it sit for a 2-3 days.



Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken

Sight: “It turned gold(ish)”

Touch: Hard

Smell: the salt and Baking soda mixture


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Thursday?

We have no clue… maybe it will turn a bit more gold?

Chicken Mummification Day 2

Date: 12/15/17


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: slevitas-goren

Picture Taker: Eshamah

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: Sgray

Procedure Police/Reflector: Mkranitz

List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.  

  1. We removed the salt from the chicken.
  2. We cleaned the tubs.
  3. We poured 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of salt and mixed them
  4. We patted the mixture over the chicken.
  5. We cleaned up everything.

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?  


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight: It turned brown

Touch:  It feels rough

Smell: It smells like dog breath


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Monday?  The chicken turned a different color and it hardened a little


Day 1 Mold

We are starting a mold terrarium. That’s where we put foods in a closed container and observe how long it takes them to mold. As you can see, we are using bread.

I think this bread is going to take about 7 days to mold. It’s probably not going to mold on the first day but bread doesn’t take too long to mold.

I wish we got to add some other types of food. Something like cheese maybe. I think it would be nice to have something to compare.

Chicken Mummification Day 1

Group Roles:

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: mkrankitz

Chat Captain/Timekeeper/Reflector: eshamah

Picture Taker: sgray

Procedure Police: slevitas-goren


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. First we put all of the newspaper down on the table.
  2. Then we got all of our supplies.
  3. Then we put on our goggles
  4. Next we used scissors to cut the plastic around the chicken open.
  5. We got the chicken out of the plastic wrapping.
  6. We got out all of the blood/goo from the chicken out.
  7. We got out the bag of organs. We had to throw them away.
  8. We then named the chicken (we named her Rosa). We made sure to check whether the chicken is male or female before naming.
  9. Then we put the chicken in the other tub.
  10. Then we put nearly all of the rubbing alcohol on the chicken and rubbed it all over the chicken. We put some of the alcohol inside the chicken using the butt as ouer access point.
  11. Then we drained the rubbing alcohol.
  12. And then we put the chicken in a clean tub, and and put the rest of the rubbing alcohol on it.
  13. Next we put it in a clean tub, again.
  14. We continued to rub the chicken with rubbing alcohol.
  15. Then we dried the chicken.
  16. We started making the mixture of 1 cup of salt and 1 cup of baking soda to put inside the chicken.
  17. We mixed the one pound of salt and one pound of the baking soda in  big tub.
  18. Then we poured the mixture into the tub that the chicken was in.
  19. We rubbed the mixture all over the chicken.
  20. Then we left the chicken to absorb the mixture.


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?

We didn’t get to put the organs in the canopic jars. We had to throw them away. We ended up using a lot more rubbing alcohol than we expected.


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight: The blood was disturbing but other than that we were fine.

Touch: It is really disgusting to put my hand in the chicken’s butt. We also had to put our hands into the lungs.

Smell: Horrible! As soon as we put on the rubbing alcohol we could barely breathe.

How did group roles support and/or challenge your group?

It was hard for the procedure police to be actively participating while while typing the whole procedure.

List any questions that need to be answered before our next chicken session? We have no questions.


GodShopping Experience

How did GodShopping make you think differently about God? It made me realize my beliefs and give me a chance to think about them.

What surprised you about the statements around the room? What surprised you about the statements you picked out for yourself? I was surprised by all the different things people believe about God.

How did you feel about the page of statements you made? I feel proud of my choices and decisions.

Pick two of your statements and explain why you chose them. 1 of my statements was God gave human beings free will. I chose that one because if God really was controlling everyone, what’s the point of making everyone go to war against each other and kill each other?

Another statement I chose was God allows bad things to happen to good people. I mean, unless MLK wasn’t a good person that’s all the proof you need.