This blog website is dead

I would like to talk about how NO ONE uses this blog site anymore except like 3 people, one of those people being a teacher. about 3 years ago almost every upper school grade would blog at least one time a week and whenever you went on a trip or an event, you would be forced to write a blog post and then get it checked over by the teacher before you posted it. I came to this blog website to see if anyone still uses it and the most recent posts were made by a teacher.  I find it sad that this blog website is used very little and i want to know why it is no longer used as much as it used to be. I feel like a big part of the discontinuation of this website is COVID-19. it seems that because of the sudden change from normal school to online school people were focused on getting used to online school and teachers forgot about this blog post over the years. That is my idea on why this website is no longer used as much as it was. If anyone has a better idea on why this blog website is not used much anymore, please tell me. 



Mummy Chicken

In the process of mummifying the chicken what has changed is the chicken is a little more dry now and there is no more blood in the chicken.the things that have remained the same is that the chicken still looks like a decapitated chicken and it still is not exactly dry.the next time we check on the chicken I think it will be more brown and sorta look like a kale chip.


golf challenge

I felt good that I got to do this challenge again because we can try to succeed.But I did not help my team to much because I got distracted.I have as a team member that I’m not good at helping people  and teamwork.I would like to try past challenges again because then I could help my team better.

UPDATE!!!!! on math thingy ma bob

In the video I made with  my group we did not explain at all how to get the answer we just fooled around and did not teach the watcher anything (Its just a bad vid).What I would do differently is EVERYTHING!!!!!.what I would tell the viewer is that you have to find the common denominater  because Deva would not let us explain how to do it.

Save Fred Challenge (Science)

.What was difficult about the challenge?

I thought that getting the life preserver on Fred was the hardest part for the hole challenge because me and Jonah had to squish Fred in but then he would get suck because of how sticky the life preserver was and Fred would not fit in correctly but we finally we got him in (somehow.)


.What was comfortable about the challenge?

What I thought was comfortable about the challenge was flipping over Fred’s  boat because me and Jonah worked together and it made it easier.


.What are you looking forward to this year in science?

I’m looking forward to more experiments, working together, and figuring out how to do the experiments.


Displaying Sep 13, 2019 at 9:13 AM.HEIC

High Holidays Project Brainstorm

what I know about Sukkot is that You cant have the Sukkah  shut, you shake a lulav and etrog a certain way, sleep in the Sukkah (you don’t have to.),and you should eat in the Sukkah(once again you don’t have to.)why do we shake the lulav why do we build a Sukkah why do we sleep in a Sukkah why do we eat in a Sukkah why do we celebrate Sukkot. I will look for websites that are about Sukkot.And I need no help for my project.

summer reading

Book: A Wrinkle In Time.


meg wanted to find her father but her dad was somewhere in time so meg and the ms’s went

to find him then they find him bye fighting off the IT.


I chose to do unlocking the character because I thought it would be fun

to add thing’s that describe the character