stuff hebrew

What were 2-3 interesting things you learned from your buddy at Ovation Sarah Chudnow?
What did you enjoy about your conversation?
What was hard about your conversation?
What would you do differently if we went back again?
If you had a chance to ask additional questions, what are two more questions you would ask your person, based on what you learned about them?
What did you learn about Jewish Milwaukee or general Milwaukee history from your conversation?

I learned that the civil rights movement in Milwaukee  had people burning down houses because people hated each other.  I enjoyed everything. nothing was hard in my questions. I would do nothing differently.I would ask her what do you do in Milwaukee? and were did you go in Milwaukee?


I think that the book was better than the musical and the movie because the book was more detailed.The musical skiped some of the parts Like the part were Matilda makes carrots float into her brothers mouth and he almost choked on it.But I think it was still a great musical because it was funny, sad, and frustrating.

cool thing



  1. Write a short (1-2 sentence) summary of your idea to improve MJDS.


  1. How do you feel your presentation went?


  1. How did you feel during your presentation?


  1. What was it like to be asked  questions by your classmates?


  1. What was it like to be asked questions by Gev. Denny and Adon Lippman?


  1. How do you think Abraham felt after arguing with God about Sodom and Gomorrah?


  1. Compare how you felt presenting your idea to how Abraham might have felt debating with God.  How do you think you felt similar? How do you think you felt different?   




I Did recycling paper because people usually don’t put paper in the recycling can and instead putting it in the trash can. I thought the questions that our class mates and the teachers questions were not hard at all and I thought that they were easy. Abraham felt brave