stasman24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site

Repairing Together


We went on a field trip to meet new friends. We went to the Urban Ecology Center. We went with two other schools: Milwaukee College Prep and Bruce Guadalupe. My friend’s name was Mariella. She was from Milwaukee College Prep. She was really nice and welcoming. One thing I learned about her was that she like to draw. I liked making Native American toys. It was really fun.


  1. What a fantastic experience! I am so glad you are getting to meet new friends and do activities together. When will you get to see Mariella next?

  2. I don’t know. I’ll find out.

  3. It seems like you and Marcella had something in common because I know you both like to draw and also I know you are a great artist!

  4. Did you and Mariella share the kinds of things that you like to draw? Will you see her again?

  5. Bubby here! I love your Repair experience. What a good idea.I hope you can always spread your wings and get to know a whole bunch of people that may appear different on the outside but share so much that’s similar on the inside!!!

  6. Sarina you look adorable in that front row!!!! I think Native American handicraft is so beautiful. I hope you love it too. Should we go to jewelry camp together????

    Much love


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